Brought manu policiari Madrid in Geneva on October 11 in an air ambulance (the transfer had cost about 100,000 bales, especially as France had refused Roro transit through its territory), charged mismanagement, fraudulent bankruptcy, fraud, breach of trust, the former boss of FC Servette, Marc Roger was denied then moult again his provisional release, Oct. 19, Dec. 14, Feb. 5, the February 12, April 4, May 20, June 4, July 28. Each time the same argument to the same rejection: the risk of leakage, scalded cat fears cold water, and collusion (must be said that the sinking of Servette, Roro is solely responsible to be possible in sheet). The file was forwarded to prosecutors, the Indictment Chamber considered that the risk of leakage was aggravated, and the Federal Court has confirmed. Yet Roro has dared everything: he not only promised, vowed, he will not run away, but even assured that he wanted to stay in Geneva ... to resume Servette, through the resolution of outstanding claims pour 30 millions de francs.
Le procès de Roro devrait s'ouvrir le 1er septembre, devant la Cour correctionnelle avec jury. Pluie annoncée de témoins (pas moins de 95) plus ou moins crédibles et plus ou moins utiles à la manifestation de la vérité : Pelé, Bernard Tapie, Alain Morisod, Guy Roux (increvable entraîneur de l'AJ Auxerre), Thierry Henry, Patrick Vieira, Claude Makelele (joueurs français), Roman Abramovic (milliardaire russe, président du FC Chelsea), Sepp Blatter (président de la fédération du foot-pognon)... D'ici là, et pendant tout le procès, le bouc émissaire doit rester dans son enclos, estiment les parties civiles. Les avocats de Roger was obviously a different view, believing that a remand of two years is disproportionate to the penalty, and offered his bail conditions against a deposit of 40,000 francs, that prosecutors felt inadequate-without not opposing the surrender of the scapegoat in loose housing, but for a higher deposit. Roro claims to be totally broke, but justice Geneva investigated an account he had opened in 2001 in Luxembourg, and the rumor suggested he was still credited with a little million, while he claimed he was Dry since 2003. This is almost case the account was largely emptied before the arrival of the Roro Servette in 2004. He had been fed in 2001 and 2002 by the commissions paid for the transfer of the player Makelele Clude Spain.
In the same procedure as Roro involved his former lawyer, Marguerite Fauconnet, the boss of a trustee and former director Zurich Servette FC, Olivier Maus, who objected to her tax return on file , has requested additional financial expertise (which were denied) and accuses the bankruptcy of his former team leader SFC, including its former president, the current National Councillor Liberal Christian Lüscher, and two former directors Olivier Carrard and Alain Rolland (Jelmoli) that Maus accused of having done everything to repel an inevitable bankruptcy, and have embellished the situation of the SFC in order to peddle the moribund , Roger. Even Marc Roger accusers agree that "the club has been artificially saved" in 2004, and that "everyone has been duped," as recognized by the Attorney Zanni, for whom it is "laughable to say that it was not "that the club needed 15 million" to exit the head of water "... "I bought the club thinking it had a liability of 4.5 million francs. In reality, it was 14.5 million. Servette FC leaders who sold me the club has squandered the legacy bequeathed by Canal Plus, said (last October) Marc Roger, who promised he would "soon" publish on the Internet accounting evidence that it has been wronged by the leaders of Servette at the time he bought it. expected. impatiently.
Meanwhile, Roro is only to pay the piper. And it's been 20 months since he gnouf.Au is passing, his lawyer, Alain Marti, was charged with forgery for having produced a document that would have a notary Geneva money to "save Servette" of bankruptcy. And even widely: according to this "document", nearly six billion francs would be in the hands of the notary, this gold mine from a brilliant invention of a Lebanese Ferray Joseph, who had discovered a way to extinguish oil well fire in Iraq. The lawyer of Roger was thus indicted in fall 2007 to have produced the document supposedly proving that the notary had this fortune. The lawyer admits that producing the report, but advocates of good faith. That of coal, probably.
To complete the ranking of Roro, is accused not only of having single-handedly sank the Servette, but also get paid men hand to threaten a recalcitrant debtor, and attempt to extort 150,000 bales. In this case, Marc Roger, however, is heard only as witnesses, since they are the henchmen who have gone to court in November.
Roro is also not only accused to justice Geneva, it is also occasionally accuser. On 16 January he was released from his cell before the Tribunal to indict a former police reporter from "Time", against whom he filed a complaint for defamation and he accuses of having an article published in December 2004 scuppered Rescue Servette by mysterious Russian investors, who were (according Roro) ready to swing three million francs, but it would have given up after reading the article in Roro was wanted by English police for having forged a bill of exchange and have been implicated in the collapse of the football club FC Lorca.
To top it off, the father of Roro was also found to gnouf in mid-November, and for a little less than two years for abuse of company property, forgery and using false: he used funds from both companies, at 2.7 million, to feed the football club which he was president, Olympique Alès (money used to pay rent, relocation and gifts to players and their families).
Finally, Roro wrote (or rather is written by the journalist Michel Biet) his memoirs. He had begun to do just before his arrest in February, but found no publisher because he wanted an advance on his excessive royalties. DATAS news agency obtained a copy of Memoirs of Roro, and "The Courier" we made a chti summary (in its edition of June 25). Roro describes networks of cronyism, graft and habits "footbusiness" but makes no particular revelations: he describes an environment rotten, they knew already rotten before we describe it. He presents himself as the victim of a mafia system, which knows to be mafia. He regrets having put fifteen years to understand that he was in a "lawless environment", or "everything is permitted for the sale or purchase of a player," and where there is "arrangements, bribes, the retro-commissions, threats, liar poker games, scams, "with players as the players" greedy ", officers, agents," shady middlemen 'and coaches' ready for anything, for more money, "the whole background of retro-commissions, fraud tax, tax evasion, transactions in cash or by check to accounts in tax havens ... professional sport, what, in all its beauty.
late May, the auction in relief of Marc Roger Servette (business seized upon the bankruptcy of SA) took the appearance of a sellout. the machine to print the shirts, which is 10,000 bales, went for 500 balls, jacket Roro and twenty suits are gone for 90 balls, T-shirts stamped with the names of the players were limited to a few dozen gold coins.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Green Green Episode 13 English Dub
The president of the Foundation Stage, Benedict Genecand took a big hit with fatigue, and resigned. From the foundation stage, but the project management "Praille-Acacias-Vernets" (VAP), where he had been appointed by State Councillor Mark Muller. Genecand explanation, the fact remains that the head of the foundation stage but leaves that of the VAP project: the Presidency of the Stadium "has nothing comparable in terms of charges." Except charges on government coffers, but that's not a problem for Muller.
President Servette FC, Francisco Vinas, estimated to cover only the costs of use (rental of the stadium, security, lighting) of the wasteland Praille par le club, il faudrait que les matches attirent 1500 spectateurs payants. Ils n'en attirent souvent pas la moitié, et n'atteignent que très rarement cette fréquentation minimale nécessaire pour que le club ne perde pas de l'argent en utilisant le stade. Quant au stade lui-même, il lui faudrait en gros 14'000 spectateurs par match de l'équipe locale pour être rentable. Or il n'atteint pas le dixième de cette jauge :
Le 28 octobre 2007, Servette reçoit Lugano à la Praille : 2010 spectateurs. Le stade est vide à 93 %
Le 11 novembre, Servette reçoit La Chaux de Fonds à la Praille : 1210 spectateurs. Le stade est vide à 96 %
Le 2 décembre, Servette reçoit Gossau to Praille: 759 spectators. The stadium is empty to 97%
On February 24, 2008, at Concordia receives Servette Praille: 1782 spectators. The stadium is empty to 94%
March 19, Servette Vaduz receives the Praille: 839 spectators. The stadium is empty to 97%.
April 5, Schaffhausen Servette receives the Praille: 1117 spectators. The stadium is empty 96%
April 16, Servette receives the Locarno Praille: 1063 spectators. The stadium is empty 96%
April 21, a gala match with many stars of soccer (Karembeu, Lizarazu, Zidane, Cantona ...) drew 19,088 spectators to Praille. Even then, the stadium is the third empty.
April 28, Servette Lausanne receives the Praille: 2011 spectators. The stadium is empty to 93%.
June 7, Portugal and Turkey occurs within Eurofoot: 29'106 spectators. The last stage is almost full (97%). It remains for the other two matches played at Euro Geneva.
July 26, Servette Lugano receives the Praille: 1531 spec exporters. The stadium is empty to 95%.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
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A grant for the Foundation Stage of Praille?
This fall, presumably between the election of the Grand Council and the Council of State, the Grand Council (now without doubt) will vote on a proposed new drain on public funds to feed those in the private foundation in Geneva Stadium. Two proposals are in competition: the majority of right (without the UDC, which opposes any public funding of the foundation), which gives 700,000 francs to the foundation for him to avoid bankruptcy, and the socialists and greens, which limit alms to 500,000 francs (trying to avoid a referendum). Compared to the nine million over four years as the hilarious Mark Muller originally sought, it certainly is now, finally, a little sense on this issue fair game, but it still persists in practice to respect of a private foundation on the brink of bankruptcy absurd aggressive therapy, which can not be answered, charitably, that by appealing to Dignitas and Exit. The Foundation is the brink of bankruptcy? Let him take a big step forward ...
Millions of pan
After extortion, pilfering, and after pumping tens of millions, the drip-drop of hundreds of thousands of francs ... we are now apparently modest, prudent, but method remains the same: to use public funds to meet those of the Foundation Stage. Especially as the proposed grant along with some other gifts public: the deferral of repayment of debts of the foundation against the City of Lancy and Regulation by the state instead of the foundation of the retirement area of 325,000 francs due to the SBB. What is that ultimately, if the proposal of the majority of the Finance Committee of the Grand Council had accepted the gift to the foundation exceed one million. That is to say the limit beyond which the Committee of citizens against public funding of the stadium will launch a referendum. And these are not "conditions" that pretends to lay the foundation to grant a subsidy that deter us from the start: the foundation is unable to those conditions (a new service agreement, a business plan, "some commercial momentum" and the miraculous discovery of other "solutions to long-term remediation" means all liabilities which are no better than those taken by foundation for nearly a decade, and has never been able to hold). A referendum would definitely (if the grant is 700'00 francs) or maybe (if it is 500,000 francs) to citizens and citizens of the township, and for the first time (those of the City have already pronounced, and clearly) to say what they think of the dreary soap opera. And probably to say that should terminate, and the only "solution to long-term remediation" of the Foundation Stage of Praille is its outright abandonment, total and permanent by public authorities. It does still not drag the pan for another forty years ...
A grant for the Foundation Stage of Praille?
This fall, presumably between the election of the Grand Council and the Council of State, the Grand Council (now without doubt) will vote on a proposed new drain on public funds to feed those in the private foundation in Geneva Stadium. Two proposals are in competition: the majority of right (without the UDC, which opposes any public funding of the foundation), which gives 700,000 francs to the foundation for him to avoid bankruptcy, and the socialists and greens, which limit alms to 500,000 francs (trying to avoid a referendum). Compared to the nine million over four years as the hilarious Mark Muller originally sought, it certainly is now, finally, a little sense on this issue fair game, but it still persists in practice to respect of a private foundation on the brink of bankruptcy absurd aggressive therapy, which can not be answered, charitably, that by appealing to Dignitas and Exit. The Foundation is the brink of bankruptcy? Let him take a big step forward ...
Millions of pan
After extortion, pilfering, and after pumping tens of millions, the drip-drop of hundreds of thousands of francs ... we are now apparently modest, prudent, but method remains the same: to use public funds to meet those of the Foundation Stage. Especially as the proposed grant along with some other gifts public: the deferral of repayment of debts of the foundation against the City of Lancy and Regulation by the state instead of the foundation of the retirement area of 325,000 francs due to the SBB. What is that ultimately, if the proposal of the majority of the Finance Committee of the Grand Council had accepted the gift to the foundation exceed one million. That is to say the limit beyond which the Committee of citizens against public funding of the stadium will launch a referendum. And these are not "conditions" that pretends to lay the foundation to grant a subsidy that deter us from the start: the foundation is unable to those conditions (a new service agreement, a business plan, "some commercial momentum" and the miraculous discovery of other "solutions to long-term remediation" means all liabilities which are no better than those taken by foundation for nearly a decade, and has never been able to hold). A referendum would definitely (if the grant is 700'00 francs) or maybe (if it is 500,000 francs) to citizens and citizens of the township, and for the first time (those of the City have already pronounced, and clearly) to say what they think of the dreary soap opera. And probably to say that should terminate, and the only "solution to long-term remediation" of the Foundation Stage of Praille is its outright abandonment, total and permanent by public authorities. It does still not drag the pan for another forty years ...
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