When the decision was made to build a new stage, the project has been advertised, and the winning project included 25,000 seats (ie, already 10,000 more than necessary). On June 19, 1997, the Grand Council vote on a first loan of 20 million francs. At this point, if we dare say the project is estimate to 64 million plus 4 million VAT, a total of 68 million. The renovation
Charmilles Stadium, yet destined to disappear, and the grounds Balexert, add 3.8 million to the bill. In late 2000, the final draft goes from 25,000 to 30,000 seats and cost rises to over 20 million to $ 93 million. Meanwhile, the bill for renovations de Balaxert et des Charmilles augmente d'un million.
Fin 2003, le stade est ouvert : la facture a grimpé de 25 millions supplémentaires, du fait d'aménagements supplémentaires non prévus au projet initial (pour 9,1 millions), d'aménagements de sécurité et de déplacement des infrastructures CFF (pour 10 millions) et d'autres modifications. Le coût du stade atteint 117 millions.
A l'été 2007, l'UEFA impose de nouvelles normes pour les stades appelés à recevoir des matches qu'elle organise. Surcoût : 14 millions. On atteint les 131,6 millions. De 68 millions au départ, le coût du stade sera passé en dix ans (1997-2007) à au moins 140 millions -et la facture n'est pas close. Le canton a déversé 24,4 millions dans ce trou, la Ville de Lancy 6 millions, la Confédération 5 millions, la Ville de Genève 5 millions, le Fonds d'équipement communal a été contraint de verser 18,8 millions. Jelmoli a déboursé 36 millions (mais ça n'est pas une subvention, c'est un loyer), le Crédit Suisse a prêté (et entend bien se les faire rembourser) 20 millions, une souscription publique a rapporté 3,8 millions, le Sport Toto a accordé une subvention de 700'000 francs et on a 300'000 francs de subventions diverses.
Il y a trois ans, onze millions de travaux étaient encore dus à l'entreprise Zschokke (Implenia) who built the Stadium. The voters of the City having massively rejected (over 70%) to give a loan of 2.5 million to the Foundation Stage, the state has dug eleven million in the Fund and the communal equipment, after having amended the statutes to allow himself this racket.
As Eurofoot, the only cost of its security should be mounted to (at least) 100 million in Swiss plane. In Geneva, it should cost at least $ 28 million, for benefits in terms of turnover is within a range of 10 to 50 million. The
Eurofoot will cost at least the Geneva public authorities:
14.6 million for the adaptation of the stage Praille the requirements of UEFA
7.2 million for security
2.6 million for related events
1.8 million for costs related to transport 1.5 million for
coordination costs of the organization
1.3 million for tourism promotion (including bladder?)
costs related to mobilization of sewage services are apparently not included in these figures. Neither, apparently, the police overtime, the use of public facilities (such as the University for the "Media Center") etc ...
In financial terms, Euro2008 is (according to figures from UEFA) :
- 1.3 billion francs rights retranmission TV (42.3% more than in 2004), or 60% of revenue
- 461 million francs sponsorship and merchandising (57% more than 2004), or 21% of revenue
- 215 million francs withdrawn from the rental of the boxes "VIP" (five times more than in 2004), or 12% of revenue
- 149 million francs ticketing (17.3 % more than in 2004), or 7% of revenue
- a total revenue of 2.117 billion francs (50% more than in 2004)
- Expenditures of organization 977 million (150% more in 2004)
- a net profit of 412 million (28.4% more than in 2004)
and that is what UEFA cash? Martin Kallen, head of the organization of the Euro may say that UEFA wants to "redistribute the most money possible for its 53 national federations and its programs of solidarity", in reality it redistributes less than a seventh on team participants (294 million), and only third to the "solidarity programs. National federations, UEFA (including those of participating teams) will receive a total of EUR 450 million distribution to the participating teams represents a little over half of the only resources of sponsoring and less than UEFA keep for her. As programs of solidarity, they reach the painfully alone 60% of TV broadcasting rights. Contributions from sponsors and television rights are paid directly to UEFA (which cash and nearly $ 1.8 billion), first through its division UEFA commercial marketing, "is the
conds by" Marketing Rights & Media ', which has subcontracted the bargaining rights to a French company, Sportfive, a subsidiary of Lagardère. Once paid the costs of organizing, redistributed the small share of the participating teams, solidarity programs and grants to associations, UEFA may capitalize hundreds of millions of francs, which it does not pay nearly a penny in taxes.
To operate at its full pump money, UEFA has established a subsidiary in late 2004, Euro 2008, a holding company that owns 100% UEFA and who will pay several million francs in taxes, as "Holding service" as "New Media Technology" (which will be twenty million francs in profits). But the UEFA as such will not pay a penny in tax, then it will remove more than one billion francs in the tournament and that its total budgeted revenue for 2007-2008 reached three billion (of which less half sera redistribué aux équipes participantes), soit un milliard de plus que lors de l'exercice précédent, et que ses fonds propres se montent à 732 millions, soit 300 millions de plus qu'en 2006-7... Résultat : la fédération européenne de foot professionnel dégage plus de chiffre d'affaire que la fédération mondiale, et est la fédération sportive la plus puissante du monde.
Selon une étude macro-économique réalisée par le bureau privé Rütter+Partner, et publiée par l'Office fédéral du sport, sur l'importance du secteur sportif (défini en un sens très, très large : on y inclut (en plus du sport proprement dit, amateur or professional) lifts, fitness and muscular, trade equipment, merchandise and clothing, tourism and even sports injuries), the sector would generate 80,000 workplaces (more than the pharmaceutical industry, watches or insurance), or 2.5% of the "labor market" in Switzerland, about the same as the mechanical industry. The turnover of the sector was over fifteen billion in 2005, its gross value added would reach 8 billion, its share in gross domestic product 1.8%, just slightly less than 2% of the food industry, beverages and tobacco.