Monday, July 26, 2010

David Bridal 99 Dollar Gown Sale

Demons dance in me

I have a confession to make to all those who know me very well. For years I was part of a cult. I'm still part of this sect, but my association with that cult should end soon because I have sinned. In fact, once the guru of the sect will read what follows, I will be expelled from the sect and my right to practice be revoked.

Those who know me well know how much I hate dancing. My confession is this: if I refused to dance as much as in recent years is because I am part of the "Cult of the enemies of the dance."

I know I'm not supposed to reveal the secrets of the organization. But as I leave the sect soon because I got my indépendansce spiritual, I'm not afraid of the sect's guru, Steve Garry Piché-Dubé junior. SGPDJR, chase me if you want, I do not care; the secrets of your sect, I found the open.

careful, it will hurt. Since 1997, since my arrival in the Montreal metropolitan area, I am part of the sect. Once a month we meet in the basement of Tommy Davey Blackburn Berube, Chomedey, to curse this dance culture. The dress of the sect members everything is more conventional: a t-shirt wolf sweatshirt, a Budweiser froque leather, jeans green with water in the basement and brown suede loafers bought at Pitt St-Hubert. The goal of the night is quite simple. We drink "cream soda", we listen to the old Poison and pray Ozzie destroying VHS "Scram" 1994. Sick as it brings out the wicked!

But 13 years later, I managed to break the circle of dependence of the sect. And it is in Kuala Lumpur, especially in Mumbai, I found the light and I managed to put that hatred of dancing behind me. And for that, I must thank my Indian friends for the rest of my days.

Because with my Indian friends in Kuala Lumpur, I discovered nightclubs Punjabi. What's a nightclub Punjabi? It's a nightclub with Punjabi pop music, c'taffaire!

I can hear you scream: "Hey, stop fooling around, you always hated it in pop music, we do not" accrère "Do you like the Punjabi pop music, damned liar!"

Wo engines, folks. True, I hate pop music. Pop music and Punjabi pop music, it's not really the same thing. You know

la muralî, le vamsha, le bansuri, la tanpura, la sarode, la sarangi, le dilruba, la pakhawaj? Ce sont tous des instruments traditionnels de musique indienne. Mais même si ces instruments font partie d'une culture musicale millénaire et complexe, les probabilités que vous retrouviez une de ces sonorités dans une chanson pop indienne sont grandes...

Ajoutez quelques uns de ces instruments sur du tchikaboum, tchikaboum, tchikaboum de base de musique pop (même les percussions indiennes torchent du cul, rien à voir avec notre tchikaboum), épicez le tout est les envolées vocales uniques des chanteurs indiens et vous obtenez un rythme tout ce qui a de plus unique et original.

Voilà Therefore, the explanation for music.

But music is only part of the experience out in a nightclub punabi.

Another interesting facet to leave the Mumbai Se, is that whites do not know the place. Nightlife in Mumbai is to be a group of five whites in a bar with 300 Indians. And as you look like a beautiful dentures under a black light, you automatically become a magnet for Indians.

Five minutes is all it takes for you to make dozens of new friends. New friends that you will pay in the mouth the biggest mouthful of vodka ever ingested. Friends who know why you want all white came into a bar Punjabi. Friends who want to take your picture and have their picture taken with you. And especially friends who want to show you the dance movements Punjabi.

Because the bar may well have attractions, the biggest of all is getting on the dance floor to shake the booty!

I generally like a big seed on a dance floor. But not in Mumbai. Because the Indians have understood one thing. The body on the dance floor is more than two feet, two legs and pelvis. Is all this plus two arms, two hands, two shoulders, a head and another two arms and two hands. And above all a good dose of n'importequoisme.

The key here is to move, move, and move the arms, hands, shoulders. Of course, it has basic moves: head pointed skyward with both arms in the air with slanting shoulders which repeat a short movement down and back ... like a washer that tilt speed dancing bacon. But aside from a few basic movements, it is important to create its own movements, innovate ... which give rise to the great anything, so anything you will struggle to repeat the same movement ten minutes later.

Moulinette, mixer, bassinnette, pirouette, greyhound, Georgette, lark ... Are you the only captain on board, the creator of your own presentation. Recall, the key is to move, move, and move the upper body ... down will follow as if by magic.

And mostly, we get carried away by the overflowing energy of Indian friends on the dance floor. Indians love to dance (every self-respecting Indian film has at least a choreographed dance to 50 people that lasts 10 minutes). For them, dancing seems to be part of everyday life and they dance for fun.

On the dance floor is a bit unsettling because everyone dances with everyone, girls with girls, girls with the guys ... and guys with guys. It was in dancing with guys that I learned the hottest movements. Because people do not seem to go to Mumbai Se cruiser and start fucking with the first meeting two hours later. No, they go to the bar for the simple pleasure of dancing. And it changes the whole experience on the dance floor.

You can dance with your friends and suddenly begin to dance with the girl right next to fart without getting a crisis like ours, "Big disgusting, you just want to dance with me because you want to post stuff. Eats shit and do not come near me. You want to hurt my feelings ... on miserable on miserable on miserable. " In Mumbai the girl will accept de danser avec toi sans se poser de question. Elle va te dire oui parce qu'elle est là purement pour avoir du plaisir... tout comme toi. Et après, tu pourras danser avec l'autre fille à côté et l'autre fille à côté.

Le plaisir, pur et simple. Oui, c'est ce qui fait toute la différence dans l'expérience.

C'est décidé, je déménage en Inde. Non seulement, pour vivre la séparation d'avec la secte plus facilement, mais surtout pour laisser les démons de la danse indienne m'envahir encore et encore...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Ski.

The Supreme Zoune

Hey, le jeune. Tu voudrais avoir une vie sexuelle bien remplie de jolies demoiselles and you'd be the perfect lover? But life does not cherished thee male side membrane ...

All problems Zoune earth, you did in your pants and you're unhappy? You have a very small Zun. You do not bands. And when you strip, you strip soft. And when you manage to bend hard, you come after 30 seconds. Well, the young, I have the solution for you.

Thanks to the Good News, you can now you désiscrire all channels Zoune email offering you a longer and larger. Thanks to the Good News, you can stop your therapy to cure your premature ejaculation with Doc Mailloux. Thanks the Good News, you can now stop spending hundreds of dollars to buy the famous little blue pills and put your life in danger because it is not recommended for a young potato to the famous little pills blue.

Zoune The perfect life and perfect ... all thanks to the Good News!

But what is this miracle product? Other pills? No, nothing chemical. The Good News is all that is natural. The good news is three ingredients. 1 - Leeches (probably at the mixer). 2 - From turtle oil. 3 - Fungi. Mix together, let marinate for a few weeks vous obtenez une potion magique qui fera de votre zoune la zoune suprême.

Mais attention, ce produit n'est pas en vente sur Internet. Non, pour mettre la main sur la Bonne Nouvelle, suffit de vous rendre sur l'île de Bornéo et de tracer jusqu'au village de Serikin, à la frontière entre la Malaisie et l'Indonésie. Une fois sur place, difficile de manquer la Bonne Nouvelle. Cherchez les étals où les vendeurs vous interpellent avec des sangsues collées dans la face. Essayez de regarder autre chose que les sangsues dans la face des vendeurs et regardez sur la table. Vous verrez des dizaines de petites bouteilles d'environ 20 ml. Tanam! Vous avez devant vous la Bonne Nouvelle!

Mais comment utiliser leeches to the potion? Nothing could be easier. Wash your Zoune with hot water for a few seconds, wipe your Zoune with a towel and massage oil Zoune with leeches! And voila.

With oil leeches, you'll have a Zoune longer, bigger, stronger during the act and especially a Zoune to be able to lift and do not pass Go! after 30 seconds.

However, the brochure does not indicate how long you have to tap the oil Zoune with Leech ... Should I drain the bottle for optimum results? Must apply oil leech two or three times a day? Should we apply the oil just leech avant l'acte avec votre partenaire?

En passant, si oui, il faut se masser l'affaire avec l'huile de sangsues juste avant l'acte, nous vous conseillons fortement de ne pas dire à votre partenaire que vous venez de vous appliquer une bonne dose d'huile de sangsues sur l'affaire. Possible que votre partenaire vous bloque l'accès à la grotte magique.

Mais ce qui est certain, parce que c'est ÉCRIT sur le dépliant, c'est qu'il n'y a aucun effet secondaire.

Et en plus, c'est Halal!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Vodka Holesale New York


"The j'men care less is the only banner under which (the France football team) is able to gather," wrote all disappointed, the sports daily "L'Equipe", about his performance at the football World Cup. We finally found a team that handles the big boeuferie South Africa as it deserves ...

Between the broadcasting rights, advertising contracts, ticket sales and partnerships with companies like Coca-Cola or McDonald's FIFA hopes garner nearly three billion euros in total revenue through the football World Cup., The organization controlled by the Swiss Joseph Blatter - whose annual salary is estimated at nearly $ 4 million - also displays a healthy amount of brighter: its profit se montait en 2009 à 147 millions d’euros, ses fonds propres atteignant 795 millions d’euros.

Pour célébrer comme il se doit désormais, obligatoirement, la victoire (hasardeuse) de l'équipe suisse de foot contre l'équipe espagnole de foot, la «Tribune de Genève» du 17 juin fait (elle n'est pas la seule) dans le dithyrambe : « La victoire historique d'une Suisse héroïque ». Pas moins. Morgarten, Näfels, Sempach ? de la gnognotte. Un ballon est entré dans un filet, et le monde a changé de base. Bon, cela dit, quand la « Julie » entre en transe, au moins le fait-elle en silence. Et on peut même faire de ses pages de petits bouchons ears to muffle the noise a bit of horns, and bellowing of vuvuzelas cattle that has been before-than appropriate, a small rain is terminated ... damn, still three weeks of this boeuferie ...

Poll planetary with 100,000 football fans, about the World Cup in South Africa, a quarter of Swiss fans think that the Swiss team will be "the surprise of the tournament, and she will qualify for the knockout stages, 15% seeing it even in the semi-finals. Against North Korea, no doubt. A third of Swiss fans announce that the World will have priority over their work or studies, it will be fifth priority over their love lives, third on their family life, 80% said they will spend between one and five o'clock in the World (and 3% they will spend more than ten hours) ... In short, for a coup or revolution, it will be the perfect time, especially since the cops will be mobilized to guard the flocks of supporters in machines organized in every city to assemble them. Le Grand Soir, it may well be a night game, after all ... Vive le football!

was told (and will be told) of evil in the pages of the World Cup in South Africa. It was suggested that perhaps, deep, deep down, that thing was a gigantic pump money. We beat our breasts. Not that the World is nothing but a huge money pump. But this pump, it will take some money home. Dozens of Swiss companies participated in the construction of infrastructure megalomaniac World Cup: Geberit has equipped six of the ten stages in pipes and sanitary facilities, and Franke ten stadiums luxury loos (pump money is also a pump shit) Garaventa has built a chairlift in Durban Hublot has obtained exclusive timing of matches. So the Swiss team is done throw in the preliminaries of the World Cup or she rises in the second round, who cares because in the toilet, Switzerland sera championne.

La faîtière européenne du foot-pognon, l'UEFA, a refusé au club français Evian-Thonon-Gaillard le droit de jouer au stade de Genève, et a motivé ce refus en invoquant le principe «fondamental» de l'« organisation du football sur une base nationale territoriale ». Traduction en MCG basique : Evian, Thonon, Gaillard, c'est en France, le stade de Genève, il est en Suisse, et faut pas mélanger, parce que sinon, on sait plus où on va et tout le monde va vouloir jouer ailleurs que chez soi. Le FC Gaza à Tel Aviv, par exemple. Du coup, la Fondation du stade de Genève, qui espérait engranger quelques pépettes grâce à la venue du French club and thus cover a part (but only part) of a half million and annual maintenance costs of the hole las Praille, must make a cross (Swiss or Savoyard) above. In contrast, FC Servette, who feared competition border is very happy. Mostly it seems to want to buy the stadium. As for Manuel Tornare, our Minister of Sports City, he simply phoned the president of the global umbrella of sport-dough, FIFA, asking him to put pressure on its European counterpart UEFA to reconsider that decision. Manu Sepp Blatter calling to ask him to call Michel Platini pour qu'un club français de deuxième division puisse jouer dans le stade d'un club suisse de deuxième division, si c'est pas de la diplomatie de haut vol, ça...

Dimanche dernier, juste après le match Allemagne-Australie, à Durban, 400 « stadiers » sud-africains ont manifesté pour réclamer le paiement du salaire qui leur avait été promis par contrat (environ 60 francs suisses) et non pas seulement l'aumône (moins de la moitié) reçue. La police est intervenue avec gaz-lacrymogènes et tirs de balles en caoutchouc (qui ont blessé une femme). Le comité d'organisation du Mondial s'est empressé de préciser que « les spectateurs n'ont jamais was in danger "(we are very happy for them), unlike the protesters, who have got what they deserved for trying to disrupt the festival dork, and FIFA has, of course, declared" totally foreign "the conflict. C'mon.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Icecream Inebrya Chart

World Cup: "Nothing in football? if at least ...

the days when football was a sport like any other, he was indifferent to us. Those were good times. Become a market first, then a pathology, football we became unbearable. What we once boring, now we débecte. Not as a game, nothing more or less silly than any What other group game whose purpose is merely to "defeat the enemy, but as a delirious machine. This is not the game that has become abhorrent is that it raises. The worst thing in football today and in the World Cup right now, it's not football itself: it is the fans. In some countries they are, the Swiss do not worth more than others. Themselves, their gestures, their words, which takes the place of thought in the days when the football overwhelms sufficient to deter us, if by chance we had the temptation or weakness, to love what they Celebrate, celebrate what they like, share the passion adult that drives like a puppeteer animates his puppets. This flock, it becomes us to be the black sheep. But it is a very thin, and much pride, satisfaction.

Ad nauseam

We would like to say that the World Cup, the fate of the Swiss team, the result matches or Switzerland Switzerland-Chile-Honduras, we did "nothing to football." But we can already be satisfied with that shrug of the shoulders, or even because we are in Switzerland and that Swiss fans are that we face, the hope that the Chilean players and Honduran rid us of the cult of the shouting " Nati ", calls for 'unity national "(for what reason that would be worth to be" unitary "with the UDC or the MCG?) and the summons to excite us for what we indifferent, and we begin to abhor. There are days where you just rebuild his Spinoza's injunction: "neither laugh nor cry, but understanding." It is necessary, however: so grotesque it is, tribalism soccer players does not make us laugh. If that is appalling regression that is manifested in crying would be an admission of weakness. Remains the need to understand how and why such a massive shit that people can take us believe otherwise, and we believe acts and pronouncements do not overwhelm as cretinism gregarious past week is, ad nauseam, the upper hand in Geneva as in much of the world, since the pollution is "glocal", both global and local. Certainly, everything is, first, ridiculous in the "Football fever" that gripped a large minority of the human population of this planet since the beginning of World: ridiculous, the game itself, the postures of Players, reviews, fans, genuflections policies, reactions to the results of matches, the controversies around the defeats, congratulations around victories, and we pass. But the ridiculous to the obscene, the pace is faster because you think: should not be much to the crowds screaming, honking, vuvuzelas, celebrating as if it was theirs or that of their country, "victory" if it is hazardous, eleven players on eleven others, become much worse than they are, and that harmless the bullshit we go to a collective deadliest bullshit. This, indeed, has happened: there are few supporters at the protest or ratonnade pogrom. Intellectually, if we dare say, it works the same way and to move from one to l'autre, le cerveau reptilien, seul aux commandes en pareilles occasions, n'a besoin que d'une petite étincelle, d'un petit prétexte -ou de quelques litres de bière en plus.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

She Orgasmed While Getting Brazilian Wax

"The state must therefore continue to support financially the Stade de Geneva?"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pet Rabbit And German Shepard

Statues, scorpion and zapatos

Jeudi soir, 21:45, à l'intersection de Jalan Sultan Ismail et Jalan Bukit Bintang, l'une des intersections les plus busy downtown Kuala Lumpur, with its mono-rail station, shopping centers and huge billboards.

The place is a favorite spot for street performers who gather night after night trying to impress the many tourists and locals passing by.

Tonight entertainers have opposed styles. In the red corner, six Peruvian brothers on guitars and pan flutes playing down the stairs of the Metro Jean-Talon (do not look any further in Montreal, they traveled to Asia). In the blue corner, a trans-emo that has a scorpion in his hand. And in a corner of another color, overflowing originality, three guys doing the statue on a ti-stool.

What image comes to mind when you think of the statue on a ti-stool? The guy on the Terrasse Dufferin or Ste-Catherine corner of McGill College who is wearing a suit with shiny gold and black sunglasses and do not move for an hour, right? Well, well, it's the same damn thing. Except that instead of having just one, there are three (one gold, one red, one green) ... three on the same street corner.

In the category is unclear why we moved to three on the same street corner ... we say it's a good idea to be three on the same corner because it did because it's more punchy, but on the other side is not great winner to do the same thing on the same street corner because it will make three times less money than if we were not on the same street corner, flies like the other street corner there where there are so many people and where there are not three guys doing the same thing, "directly conveying their palm they deserve it outright.

The crowd around the Peruvians is emo the scorpion is quite heterogeneous, many whites, blacks, Indians, Malays, etc.. But there is a strange phenomenon around the gents that flash. Virtually no whites, blacks, Indians and Malays. At 95%, the crowd is composed of Chinese who are all photos taken with the friend still with two fingers on the sign of peace both in the air.

Editor's note: for information purposes only, I would like here to take this opportunity to stress to my Chinese friends that since the invention of the sign of peace, probably somewhere in the mid-'60s, other signs of fingers giving such good results on film was invented. Chinese friends, go, jump into the bottomless abyss of extreme adventure, spice up your life with 50 pounds of lemon zest to the world's most tart, push yourself with a machete in the wilds of the Amazon jungle and paths less beaten earth to plot your own path, dare the follies of the most subversive. Go to a finger, three fingers, with no finger with both arms. But I implore you to halt the operation "sheep not of originality, it makes all the same damn thing on our photos for 10 years." Innovate, bondance!

So while the Chinese play the game the lack of originality with men still lack of any blatant originality, Peruvians, they are on fire. I do not know how the city of Kuala Lumpur has paid the Metro Jean-Talon to get their hands on the coveted free agency, but it probably took the package to get their hands on the group Carlos, Design, Gerardo Mateo, Hector hermanos y zapatos Carnales . What a sight intoxicating. Of rhythms, flutes, pan who are going through at the speed of lightning, original songs but also famous occasions such as La Bamba! Personally, I would have liked to hear the version Carnales Hermanos y zapatos Riders on the storm, but hey, is not too much to ask.

And as if the show was already good enough like that, hermanos have relied on the support size of a guest surprise pour quelques chansons... ok, n'allez quand même pas vous imaginer que Bono est venu gratter le ukulélé, mais une surprise quand même. Arrivé de nulle part, un Indien aveugle est venu s'immiscer entre Carlos et Hector et s'est mis à danser comme un diable dans l'eau bénite. Un mélange de gigue, de danse punjabi, de mouvements à la Michael Jackson et de gars qui prépare de la pâte à pizza. Indescriptible, vraiment! Personnes portant un pacemaker s'abstenir, cette démonstration artistique inusitée ayant plutôt l'effet d'un stroboscope.

Un stroboscope et un boomerang. Puisqu'après environ 15 minutes, notre ami punjabi est reparti dans la même direction qu'il était arrivé, un peu à la Rain Man la tête dans les airs, disparaissant sans dire bonjour aux frères Z. Un boomerang qui avait attiré plusieurs touristes généreux du porte-monnaie, au grand plaisir des frères Z, riches sans avoir à partager avec leur collègue dansant.

Derrière les musiciens et les statues se tenait l'emo au scorpion. Par définition stylistique, le mec a l'air d'un personnage sorti des ténèbres. Habillé en noir, des bottes Marylin Manson aux multiples studs, d'énormes bagues en métal de devil, des tatoos sur les bras, visage blanc lait avec... tanam... un maquillage en forme de scorpion en guise de masque pour les yeux (concept le gars). Le tout agrémenté avec la joie de vivre caractéristique des emo.

Son scorpion à la main, le type avait de loin le potentiel le plus grand de la soirée. En terme d'originalité, les flûtes de pan des Zapatos et les costumes brillants des statues ne peuvent en rien rivaliser avec un scorpion. Des amuseurs publics avec des scorpions, vous avez vu ça souvent?

Malheureusement pour notre emo, son infinie joie de vivre et son énergie débordante ont quelque peu tué dans l'oeuf l'énorme potentiel du duo. Aucun dynanisme, l'emo restait immobile la main tendue avec le scorpion dans la paume. En fait, la seule chose qui bougeait, c'était le scorpion. Et comme le scorpion ne se déplace not really the speed of a jaguar, the action was limited and predictable movement of the animal. The emo

could go to meet people and try to touch them or take the scorpion to put the scorpion in the mouth or in your hair ... create action. No, nothing. The vacant stare and motionless on the street corner with his scorpion in his hand. A large mountain that gives birth to a mouse ... bourn's!

For a moment I thought of turning the party strong: go take the scorpion from the hands of the emo and go put it in the hat of one of the three statues. Suddenly, I brought out of his coma emo, I damn scared the statue would have probably made jig like Rain Man and I helped a horde of Chinese return home with nothing but pictures of peace signs.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Nadine Jansen Free Blog

Holy Peace

Here I arrived in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia, in recent days. If

for many guys my age, a name like Natasha pig sounds like a name of a girl playing in porn movies, for me, the name Kuala Lumpur has always sounded like an exotic name, a name heavy usage of a mythical city that I absolutely had to visit ...

So here I am in this city that I wanted to visit for years. A city that has entered the imagination of many people in 1998 were unveiled when the Petronas Twin Towers, 452 meters high. As good as I am curious, I inquired. Kuala Lumpur, multicultural city if ever there was one with its unique blend of Malay culture, Indian and Chinese ... the name sounds exotic ... this has got to mean something exotic.

Unfortunately, I quickly disbanded when I learned that means Kuala Lumpur, Malay, muddy confluence! Wicked name pocket! Maybe I preferred not to know. The garbage translation, Kuala Lumpur, it sounds sweet. " And that's all that matters.

At first contact, the only point of view of the modern city, we see immediately that we are light years away in metropolises of Southeast Asia such as Phnom Penh, Saigon or Hanoi. A Skytrain, skyscrapers and shopping malls everywhere filled with chic boutiques (name it, all the big brands are here) with air conditioning drafts to the tenth power you feel 50 feet before entering the building, it destabilizes the Sven when it's been three months since the only markets that you see on the street or in buildings constructed of gray concrete in the '60s.

Shock especially for my throat, the evidence that modernity is not perfect ... three months to sleep in rooms with four dollars a night, three months to eat in the street, three months to walk on pavements strewn with waste, three months to sweat in bus routes from nine hours per 35 degrees Celsuis .. . and never sick. But a little afternoon rain to get in and out twice a mall in the air conditioning from hell and now I catch a cold! Other

shock of modernity in the solicitation on sidewalks and streets. I liked them, tuktuk drivers in Cambodia. Always "no thank you" with a smile, but I'll admit that in the end I started to have a strong thing to make me deal with every turn. On my last day in Phnom Penh, I think I have been asked at least 200 times. The same story every day for three months, it starts to get slightly iritis.

But that life is made. In Kuala Lumpur, tuktuk drivers and motorbike does not exist. Holy Guacamole! Deliverance! The Blessed Peace! Thank you my God from my heart to have brought the cities without tuktuk and motorbike! After being the target for three months, being able to simply walk on the sidewalk without getting yelled at every 15 seconds, not having to say no to the same driver nine times, be free to move and not having to plan their route street corners in advance to try to cross the least tuktuk is an indescribable feeling. Here is barely two taxi drivers offered me their services in ten days.

That life is beautiful! Long live freedom, individualism and indifference from the confluence. So excited about this newfound freedom that every morning when I leave to go walking in town, I kiss the street with tears of joy to thank her for what she gives me ... so fucking happy that I also returned in the evening.

kiss the sidewalk? You do would not a little Mongolian? Perhaps, but when it's been three months since you are a victim of mental torture and relentless tourist, you can not understand how it feels good to be in a huge impersonal city where everyone's laughing at your presence. The complete anonymity, a small pleasure in life that I had forgotten that I found with great joy. Britney, now I understand your pain! Thank

confluence to be a big impersonal city. And thank you to

10 000 tuktuk drivers to allow me to appreciate the impersonality of Kuala and make me a disciple of John Paul II.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tiffany Granath Night Call

Thank Cambodia

24 days. Past 24 days in Cambodia, this small country surrounded by sea, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. 24 days floating on a cloud, 24 days have passed all too quickly, 24 days I will keep an unforgettable memory.

Because that during this visit, I had the chance to meet the most extraordinary people that I was able to meet since the beginning of my career as a globe-trotter.

Landscaping speaking, Cambodia, to me, can not compete with the natural beauty of New Zealand, Corsica or Costa Rica. Whatever I have not seen the most beautiful snowy peaks, the most majestic fjords, the most savage steppes or the bluest waters of the world, Cambodia has become for me the most beautiful country in the world. Not for what he has but for what it is. With this element that most defines the identity of a country, that is to say people who live there.

A cliché as a statement? Maybe. All the people I met who took the time to really visit the country (that is to say people who saw nothing but the temples of Angkor and Siem Reap and Phnom Penh) are unanimous: Cambodians are tellements purposes.

But it's true. Truer than true. In virtually all the countries I visited, I met people generous, likeable, friendly, altruistic. But in Cambodia, I, for the first time in my life was touched and moved by the people.

With good humor, sense of humor, simplicity, curiosity, passion for life, their courage, resilience, Cambodians have allowed me to experience the most unique tourist experience, that of the true discovery of a people. A people that deserves to be discovered and respected for all he has lived.

A people that could collapse after the genocide orchestrated by the infamous Pol Pot between 1975 and 1979 (genocide in which about two million Cambodians lost their lives). Instead, these people have managed to turn this tragedy that has devastated the country in power, in a rage to live in toughness. In short, a trauma that has allowed them to be even stronger than before.

The courage shown by the people against this black mark on the history of the 20th century is unusual. Instead of living in denial, playing the ostrich and pretend that nothing happened, Cambodians face this cruel reality of the face. Their message is clear when you visit Tuol Sleng (also known as S-21, this prison where thousands were tortured Cambogdiens) or the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek (where prisoners were killed S-21): this is our story, here's one of ours has done to his people; we want all people to know what happened to prevent this humanitarian catastrophe happen again someday.

But this courage is not only in museums. It is in the street, among the victims of this despicable regime, speak, speak and speak without hesitation of the war and what they experienced during this dark period ... without you even asked. Can not visit Cambodia without falling a person who will tell you how she and her family suffered under the Khmer Rouge. And these horrors, they told you are like any history of everyday life ... with a smile which means so much.

That smile and willingness to talk endlessly. Another fascinating phenomenon in this country have already addressed the subject in my post about the tuk tuk . This property is widespread. A smile rich, warm, contagious whose charm is irresistible. Impossible to remain indifferent. A spontaneous invitation to respond to your turn to make you a machine to smile during your stay in this country.

A first non-verbal gesture that simply leads inevitably minutes. And attach to your hat with the big pin, you may spend more time than expected to chat with your friend. Ease of approach and openness to foreign disconcerting. Uninhibited, without hindrance, barrier. A discussion of natural as if you were talking to a friend you have known for 15 years. Magical.

Easy to enter their world ... with the force of a magnet. Not only to exchange and share words, words and lyrics. But you get invited to play bocce, volleyball with them. As you get invited to sit at their table while watching a boxing match on television in a restaurant. As you get invited by tuk tuk to eat at home with his family. As you join hands with the kids when you drive through a village on foot. To make you give trucks toys by children playing with them. Etc, etc, etc..

A vortex of humanism in which you want to absolutely fall for a unique experience.

camodgiens Friends, thank you for this life lesson. This tribute is dedicated to you with the utmost sincerity and greatest humanity by someone who does not happen to you at ankle. Thank you for all the shows in such a short time. You are the nicest, most wonderful, most adorable, most extraordinary.

And above all, never change.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Marrage Car Decoration Pictuser

singer who ate stolen police

One of the greatest pleasures of traveling in Southeast Asia is to take the bus. And when I say take the bus, I speak to a real bus with the locals, the real world.

vehicles overflowing with passengers most often than not, the state sometimes catastrophic benches and extra luggage in the aisle, buses are often fertile ground for stupid stories.

Another classic bus is Asian music. A karaoke version of video on a miniature screen in front of the bus and the sound in the carpet, often much too strong for the excellent speakers made in China (actually, we should rather call them high-gricheurs than high- speakers), is the best option for the silence of passengers. In fact, put a karaoke DVD of a popular singer in a bus in southeast Asia is equivalent to a DVD Caillou to three year old children in day care. For the project

Siem Reap - Battambang, I had the chance to watch DVD movies, karaoke version, one of the most popular singers of the time in Cambodia. No idea of his name, but I hear her tube at least once a day.

Cambodians have a lot of very good qualities, but in terms of originality scenarios music videos could use some work. Beside, the Super Grannies go for the big TV.

Musically, it is in pop music and very very mild to the "I love you my love and I'll love you forever."

The theme song is always the same, do not really surprising that the videos are all somewhat similar. But there is a little similar and a little similar.

Change daughter, sets, and the words you endlessly the same video again and again and again: a love triangle (two girls and a guy) and the girl who "tilt" between the two guys whose singer is always in the videos. She spends 34 seconds with the first pass before 29 with the second before recovering to 48 seconds west for better ironing east for a few rhymes. Left - right, left - right for 3:30. A bit annoying the lady! Certainly, Françoise David is the director of these videos.

Other returning a video to another: the girl never ends with the singer, the singer is a drunk and finished a solid singer is queer.

Systematically, in each video, when Dulcinea is in the arms of the wicked rival, our friend the singer's mouth is stoned to alcohol. Much alcohol and too much alcohol really ... question that we understand that the guy is suffering from love.

So, having stuffed his mouth, our friend always tries to come to blows with rival. A battle for video, guaranteed. Slaps in the face, kicked in the kidneys. And we are fighting everywhere in the street, in the bedroom, in a bar. And each time, our friend, the singer loses tough battle. Flocks and flocks again. Once the guy gets shot in the leg mememe in par la fille. Fascinant, captivant et un beau message d'espoir pour les tout-petits à la maison.

Donc, un personnage pathétique et de qui on finit presque par avoir pitié: un homme ultra-rose trop proche de ses sentiments qui a de la pepeine à tout bout de champ, qui est trop mou pour prendre sur lui et qui boit comme un trou pour noyer sa pepeine et qui se bat comme une fillette de 12 ans. Et qui, en plus, est laid comme un singe. Quand tu as la face d'une mante religieuse, t'as pas grand chance de scorer avec les filles dans la vie. Voilà probablement ce qui explique pourquoi la fille ne finit jamais avec lui dans les vidéos.

Mais laid comme un singe ou pas, si le personnage échoue lamentablement with the girls in the video, I'm not too worried, however, for the singer's life every day. To see how the girls looked at him with the tite babave the bus, I do not feel it often sleep alone at night.

Whether these videos are the least bad, all over the world, a rock star, it's still a rock star.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Best Vacuums For Frieze Carpet

My friends, take 2

I arrived in Cambodia, I wrote a post about the adventure at customs and the beautiful little green bills that passed the wallets of tourists to the beautiful large leather suitcases Cambodian police .

But Cambodia does throne on top of any list of the least corrupt country in the world, the phenomenon of magicians policemen showing the money is not limited to the border. Is widespread.

But do not think it is a terrible scourge that endangers the foundations of social stability in the country. Small rides of police officers, they are minor. Personally, I find them particularly nice.

After all, according to all the people I asked, police officers receive relatively low wages. They have nice uniforms and power, nobody becomes a millionaire to practice this trade in Cambodia. Rather, it is an additional income that can make ends meet.

In Phnom Penh, the police armory is fairly easy to detect. If you see a police officer doing the traffic, you have a good chance of seeing him in action. I perceive a

a Monday morning rush hour. He works alone. There is a whistle in his mouth, a ti-plastic stick to direct traffic in the right hand and left arm in training windmill.

I sit a few feet away and watch the entertaining show ... lacked a small patio chair and a full butter popcorn!

Within an hour, the police arrested a score of vehicles (automobiles, but most of motorcycles). Each time, the officer seems to detect a new offense because it always points a different location on the vehicle's driver guilty. Not enough air in the tires, seat too low, not enough gas. I do not know me well but it seems to be of great anything. Certainly, with the heavy traffic in the capital, you can not go over 25 km / h and can not be speeding. Rechose certainly no blown into the bubblegum. So no drinking and driving.

Every time the circus is the same. The driver exited the vehicle, made a face "serious, dude, why you stop me?" and joined the police under a tree out of sight (except Sven detective, of course). The discussion usually lasts one minute.

As complete a statement of "offense" is boring and long for the two antagonists, why not "fast-track" the process and adjust it to the court? After both parties have agreed on the terms of the agreement, a few small bills go hand in hand A B. End of the operation, final stick! The policeman slip bills into his pocket, put his book of observations "infringement" and displays a broad smile while the driver leave as quickly as it arrived.

After some arrests very rewarding, the officer saw me! Zouf How beautiful! You're in a country where police officers are putting money into the pockets by stopping the world who did nothing and you do spotter by a policeman who did that in his spare time ... it tempts you to spend the cash too?

So I think I am in the large soft poo, I respond instinctively to the officer by raising his arm, saluting the thumbs up and smiling at him ... as if I commend him for his excellent work.

The policeman looks at me with an air amused, smiled and returned the hello ... and starts his ride. Those guys are


few days earlier, I found myself on the side of Siem Reap to visit Angkor Temples. No magician providing traffic police here. No, here, the police who patrol the temples selling police badges to tourists!

A French traveling companion told me he had seen earlier in the day, leaving a temple, a tourist and a policeman to make any transaction. The French approached the officer and asked him what had happened. Without hesitation and without trying to hide, the officer replied: "I sell police badges. You want one?" Wham! Du tac au tac!

Amused, I tell the story to a fellow Dutch travel the next day to the temples before giving him an appointment in the evening in town to watch a game of the World Cup. I agree with him on time. He is all smiles. Why the pout, you just won the lottery? My friend replied in his pocket out of the famous badge of the police! The Dutchman simply went to the first policeman he met after I told him the story and asked if he could buy a badge.

And 30 seconds later, the transaction was completed. Those guys are


Sunday, July 4, 2010

How To Connect Comcast Remote

football World Cup? Global money!

L'Afrique du Sud sous protectorat de la FIFA

Entre les ahanements de sangliers en rut poussés à Roland Garros et les pouêt-pouêt de la caravane publicitaire du Tour de France, on va donc s'offrir pendant un mois, le cirque du Mondial de foot. Entre les petits bobos des joueurs, les états d'âme des entraîneurs and commentators, the calculations of the sponsors, the screams of fans, small games of cheating and chicanery of big sport-dough, it may even be a feast bienpensée of the kind occurred on 21 March in the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, who, while deploring the racist incidents that have occurred in recent years in football stadiums, believed his duty to add that the World Cup in South Africa would be "a good opportunity to address the problem of racism in sport and to increase the tremendous potential of sport to eliminate racism, xenophobia and similar forms of intolerance in the society as a whole "as if the World Cup had even the slightest connection with target sports, and was nothing but the materialization, while one month, the gigantic pump money that is FIFA. The World, the antidote to racism? Remember the 1998 World Cup, France's world champion, surf anthems at the "melting pot black.blanc-beur" ... Four years later, who invited himself to the second round of the presidential election? Zidane? No: The Pen ...

Hands Over Azania

"The difference between football and other Empires won by conquest, is that there is no dominant power capable of imposing its will on others," said Pascal Boniface, director of the Institute of International and Strategic Relations. "No dominant power, really? And FIFA, then? South Africa has literally been fleeced by the International Federation of Professional Football: In each of the nine host cities of the World, a private hospital and public hospitals were partially or totally requisitioned for the event. In Port Elizabeth well before the first kick in the first football game of the first half of the beds had to be kept empty, and patients crammed into the other half to be treated in a hurry, or outright refused and asked wait until the feast is complete dork and that FIFA has lifted it established a protectorate over the Republic of South Africa, whose government has literally sold to the parent organization of foot-dough. Thousands of the FIFA officials were deployed to enforce the exclusivity (pay) the use of certain terms, including the most common. It is now forbidden South Africa in 2011 to include "South Africa-2011" on a poster, sign or a T-shirt. The small street vendors are hunted down and pushed as far as possible stadiums and matches with spectators. FIFA has arrogated the power to censor the press, itself the right to withdraw or modify the accreditation of journalists and wrong-thinking reports of which she feels they would be harmful to its interests. The constitutional rights of expression, hard won in the struggle against apartheid, are suspended by the regime born of the victory of this struggle, and it was under a genuine state of emergency is not declared as live for a month the country of Nelson Mandela. As for the economic benefits of circus games, they have been deliberately inflated by FIFA to convince the authorities to carry out her hands and feet tied. FIFA announced 400,000 visitors? They will probably half as many. GDP should grow by 0.7%? Island likely will grow only 0.1%. And South Africans realize that they have done simply scammed, before being tamed. Basically: If the World is a beneficiary, FISA will pocket the profit, and if it is negative, South Africa will pay the deficit. As for the 150,000 jobs related to the construction of stadiums Pharaonic required by FIFA (like the Cape, which cost 600 million while the renovation or expansion of existing stadiums would cost two times less), or renovation of roads and infrastructure, two thirds will be lost at the end of the fair. And employees will swell the mass of unemployed South Africans (they are already four million). FIFA goes where the dough flows, certainly. But in the pockets of those who already have, and therefore in hers: FIFA is a billionaire ...