Thursday, December 10, 2009

Difference Between Pms And Pregnancy Sympotoms


Two visionaries, director of the Hotel de Rhone, Marco Torriani, and the president of Geneva Tourism, Jean-Pierre Jobin, thus had a brilliant idea, taken up (whether it is a genius idea) by Mark Muller and the "Tribune de Genève": to organize the Olympic Winter Games, 2018 Geneva. It is true that it was lacking in our winter sports resort. Torriani and Jobin have therefore mounted an exploratory committee, pumped 200,000 francs Sports Toto, and went to beg for moral support and a variety. They got one in particular, as expected, Mark Muller, always ready to support this kind of crap (invariably described as projects "ambitious and exciting", whoopee!). In the "Tribune" of 27 June, we lay squarely rédac'chef an editorial orgasmic: Not only "Euro 2008 is a total success that even the fiasco Bout du Monde can not start" (we'll have explains how a successful container un fiasco peut être total...)" et l'image de la baudruche à Jobin sur le jet d'eau a été une image "parfaite", mais "dans la griserie de l'instant" (raaaah lovely) "un seul projet semble désormais capable de satisfaire l'appétit des nouveaux rois de l'événement" et de leurs porte-plumes : les JO 2018, qui ramèneraient "l'Euro aux dimensions d'une belle fête foraine", et permettraient en plus aux fétichistes de la bagnole et aux drogués du béton de nous coller la traversée routière de la rade, la troisième voie autoroutière et un nouvel aéroport. Reste plus que quelques détails à peaufiner : s'assurer "l'appui des autres cantons, de la Confédération et de la France voisine" (Ruetschi a oublié l'Union européenne et l'ONU, mais ça doit être dans l'exaltation du moment), et surtout du peuple (qui devra se prononcer), de "Swiss Olympic" (l'organe faîtier de l'olympisme en Helvétie), qui avait déclaré renoncer à une candidature suisse pour 2018, et des instances olympiques (qui, comme l'UEFA pour l'Euro, ne donneront pas leur appui mais le vendront, très cher) et du "reste du monde", qui évidemment n'a que ça comme préoccupation essentielle. Les promoteurs des JO de Genève veulent encore trouver une personnalié qui soit la "figure de proue" du projet (Mark Muller pense à Stéphane Lambiel, Pirmin Zurbriggen and Didier Cuche is the mean height of the leading figures ...). Mark and Roger, then we forget?
As for us, we will have to learn from the Euroracket JOracket to avoid, and we do it early enough to derail a project even more stupid than the one which was just released. Because "if the application (Geneva) to materialize, Geneva will vote in 2009." But if we invite them to each credit application, to every bill, every area of decommissioning in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 ...
Anyway, a Geneva Olympic bid in 2018 apparently peu de chances : les Jeux Olympiques étant organisés non par des pays mais par des villes (ce que Manuel Tornare n'a pas manqué de rappeler à Mark Muller), et les règles de Swiss Olympic (qui n'a d'ailleurs même pas été informée de la pseudo-candidature genevoise, et avait même annoncé qu'il n'y aurait pas de candidature suisse pour les jeux de 2018) imposant une ratification des candidatures par vote populaire (communal ou cantonal, voire les deux), les Genevois (de la Ville en tous cas, et du canton en plus, vraisemblablement) devront obligatoirement être consultés, et pas seulement sur le principe : aussi sur un crédit d'investissement, une subvention, une garantie de deficit in short, the official amount of racketeering. Mark Muller racket which ensures that it has "no idea".
And this is where we will laugh. Because the budget kind of a joke of the Winter Olympics will be about two billion (it was the budget of the Turin Olympics in 2006), two-year total budget of the City. In a city (and township) unable to pay its 150 million empty stadium, perhaps a bit excessive. Suffice to say that the gag Jobin and Torriani may be holding. Especially for "Swiss Olympic," a Swiss candidate for 2018 would "make no sense and almost no chance", the previous games (2014) takes place already in Europe (in Sochi Russia, the doors of Abkhazia and Georgia, will be mild sport) and the rule being that of a tournus between continents (there are already two nominations and a nomination Asian American) .. In addition, Swiss Olympic doubts the popular fervor invoked by Mark Muller. And Manuel Tornare the relevance of the comparison with Eurofoot: organize Olympic Games, even winter is far more complex than accommodate three football matches.

That said, should understand, taborniaux who want to organize the Olympic Winter Piogre: as UEFA, the IOC is a gigantic pump money (since the beginning of the era Samaranch in 1984). During 2004-2008 Olympiad, the Olympic movement has seen five billion revenue. More than half (53%) of revenue of the Olympic movement from TV broadcast rights, sponsors follow with 34% behind the ticket with 11%, derivatives derived from 2%. The IOC receives 8% of this windfall and return them to the rest of the Games Organising Committees, and (to a lesser extent) in Olympic sports federations and national Olympic committees, and a few crumbs at the International Paralympic Committee and the WADA. In a funding program "TOP" (T he Olympic Partner ") were met for the Beijing Olympics twelve multinational companies (Coca-Cola, Visa, Panasonic, Kodak, McDonalds, Samsung, Lenovo) who paid $ 866 million the right to use the Olympic emblem. In the Organizing Committee for the Beijing Olympics (BOCOG), there were 35 companies (mostly Chinese, but also multinationals such as Adidas and Volkswagen) who each paid 28.5 million (one billion total), plus benefits in kind (VW provides 5,000 vehicles, adidas outfits the volunteers), waiting for a good return on investment (adidas expects an immediate return of 100 million, three times his bet, and doubling its outlets China). For the first time the amounts collected by the sponsoring National (700 million) exceeded those of the sponsoring International (500 million). The addition of the two, however, not reach the total TV rights: $ 1.7 billion). As for the ticket, she just met (expected) the hundreds of millions. A straw. A big straw, but a straw.
Time goes: In 1948, during the first televised games, the BBC had paid fees 800 balls. And the IOC had made him, because he made the profit. It will obviously benefit incomparable in 2008, but nothing will hundreds of millions (1,737 billion) he has cashed in TV rights. The only NBC has paid $ 894 million, giving it the power to impose competition times for them to spend many happy hours for its viewers, and especially its advertisers. Europe followed at a safe distance, with 400 million rights (for all countries of Europe combined, the Alante at the Urals).


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