Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Screen On My Ps3 Is Way Too Big On My Tv

The Elvis Gratton city are

You'd think all that Florida is the place in the world where there are most of Elvis Gratton square inch, due to the abundance of Quebec tourists.

You're wrong. One, the Elvisme Grattoni is not unique to average Quebecer. This is an evil striking the male testosterone all over the world. Two, if you think Florida takes the cake is that you never set foot on the side of Vang Vieng, Laos.

few years ago, Vang Vieng has become, because of the incredible location (behind the river that crosses the vile, there are huge karst formations, and this for miles), a must for backpackers from around the world. But because of the excessive influx of tourists, the city had lost little of his soul typical Laotian village to become a party town, or should I say bawdy, where meals which are added illegal substances (if you know what I mean) are the norm in restaurants in the city.

Every tourist crossing Laos met in its path at least another tourist who had only one thing about Laos: Vang Vieng is the city to fart face. "

course, anyone whose the sole objective is to fart face by visiting a country is a cool person, very cool. And this probably is the most fascinating in Vang Vieng: the high concentration of very cool people.

Being cool is a state of mind, a personality trait. Some do, some do not. But when you're cool, you do not need to force yourself to stay cool ... you're cool.

Except that's cool in Vang Vieng, due to the ubiquity of cool way, is not cool enough. He is insecure in its coolness. And what happens when cool trying to become a super-cool-chill-relax-yo-dude-fuck-man-wasted-wicked-top-double-mega-cool-for rechill-Reyo cooler than cool the other side of the street? It

s'attrique like a big settler who tries desperately to attract attention ... and he became an Elvis Gratton!

And Vang Vieng Tokyo is not exactly in terms of size, the cross Elvis is a relatively easy task ... in fact it is impossible not to see Elvis in action.

Australian cool being too common (usually one that emerges from the batch because of its abundance and similarity: small youngster of 19 who weighs 142 pounds wet, who rides his belly and arms works well apart torso as if he weighed 195 pounds of muscle and good balance this lack of muscle and hair ... unless it is a technique of ventilation to the armpits), I've prepared a top 7 of my favorite Elvis. For purposes of clarity, I tell you right away that I will not tell you that my belly were Tarzan in the street ... all are cool belly to VV.

- A large Indian 6'4 "which follows the approach of a robot which has bars pencil across the face.

- His Indian friend who had lots of stuff written in fluorescent pink on its chest , abdomen and back ... not had time to read the novel, but it seems clear that it was of Voltaire.

- Another nice Elvis loved the stuff on his upper body. But it has pushed the limits a little further. No pink pencil. Three big sticks paint "spray" on the same three body parts: one black, one white and orange. Purpose of the operation. Recreating the tiger's coat. Apparently the two girls have already told Le Matin that spray paint is excellent for the skin to breathe. Congratulations Tiger!

- A modern day ninja who took the decorations hanging from the cotton curtains of his hotel room (after a string two feet long with a cotton ball with little hair hanging at the end ... really ugly, by the way), which has transformed en "nunchaku" et qui les fait aller dans la rue... vraiment eu peur de ce dude.

- Deux génies en costumes de bain rose fluo ... longueur boxer, donc à la mi-cuisse. De style et de couleur très cauchemar années '80. Le tout accompagné de coupes de cheveux "bleachée" indescriptibles. Indescriptibles, mais surtout très laides. Tellement laides qu'à côté, le turbo Longueuil passe pour le nec plus ultra du bon goût, de la classe et de l'élégance. Sérieux, ceux-là, je pense qu'ils pensaient être cool, mais ils avaient l'air tellement fif que même les gars de Village People leur auraient dit non en entrevue.

- Monsieur rodéo. Généralement, quand on prend un tuk tuk, les passagers sont dans la cabine et les bagages sont sur le toit. Pas Monsieur rodéo. Lui, c'est le contraire, il est debout sur le top du véhicule, devant les bagages, et est aggripé à une corde attachée au devant de sa monture et qui crie après le chauffeur d'aller plus vite. Vraiment hilarant. J'en ai encore d'intenses douleurs à la rate...

- Mon top du top. L'homme aux trois dessous. Un boxer, un bermudas et un pantalon psychédélique aux 5757643495 couleurs et motifs. Un peu chaotique comme agencement? Pas vraiment parce que les trois sont placés de manière à ce que l'on voit bien la couture des trois dessous... très symétrique en plus et le pantalon is at the knees and he struggles to move forward. To top it off, earrings paper butterfly-shaped sunglasses and a coat hanger gossées obviously not white glass inside. And obviously too stoned at 11:30 AM to realize he had dropped his t-shirt 50 meters before.

... there was a chance the mountains!


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