Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Adjust Gas Pressure On A Furnace

derby between football and Lausanne Sports Servette: the foundation of the stadium announcement, any Smugpot, that attendance at the stadium broke the record matches "Challenge League, with 15'252 spectators. Either a half empty stadium. It is true that he is usually 90% empty. It can therefore be proud about not much.

According to a report of the Court of Accounts is a little mess in the use of funds received from the Loterie Romande by the Cantonal Committee of Sports Aid (formerly the Committee on Sport-Toto): A Part of the funds left at the disposal of State Councillor Mark Muller between 2007 and 2009 were used in a cheerful irreverence of règlement : 200'000 francs débloqués (c'est le mot) pour étudier le projet loufoque d'organiser les Jeux Olympiques d'hiver 2018, et 50'000 balles pour financer le ballon gonflable qui nous a gonflé au-dessus du jet d'eau pendant l'Eurofoot 2008, ont été affectés par la commission en sortant de son rôle. qui est d'encourager « l'éducation physique de la jeunesse et le développement du sport amateur ». Quand aux quatre millions versés pour boucher les trous des finances du Stade de Genève, la Cour n'a tout simplement pas pu vérifier leur adéquation au règlement, faute d'éléments sufficient analysis. All these decisions to support foirades (the 2018 Olympic Games, the ball Eurofoot and stage of Praille) were ratified, a posteriori, by the State Council (which means they were taken by Muller alone). Charles Beer explanation: they correspond to "certain strategic interests of the township." Damn, but of course the balloon to Jobin, it was "strategic", it was not grotesque pétuffe we thought see was a Zeppelin observation sleeper cells of terrorism unsportsmanlike ... You pas légèrement l'impression fugace qu'on se fout un peu de la gueule du monde, là ?

Ah ben ça alors, pour une surprise, c'est une surprise : y'a de la corruption dans la mafia du foot-pognon. Deux membres du comité exécutif de la Coupole (la Fédération internationale FIFA) ont été filmés en train de monnayer leur voix pour le vote attribuant les coupes du monbde 2018 et 2022. Et ça fait tout un tintouin, et la FIFA a dû faire mine d'ouvrir une enquête. Qu'elle s'est prudemment confiée à elle-même, histoire de s'assurer qu'elle ne déborde no cases of two unfortunate swarthy who have been bitten (a Tahitian and a Nigerian). Because in fact, about 24 members of the FIFA Executive Committee at least seven are already heavily suspected of having been purchased on other occasions, and even Switzerland's accession Sepp Blatter for the presidency of foo , practices will be said coyly "questionable" when in fact there are quite a few have doubts about them were discussed (the president of the Somali Football Federation, which we did not even know it existed had admitted selling 100,000 dollars to his voice ...). Blatter But hey, do not speak ill of professional sports, do not be. This is a great and beautiful family. Proof: The European Professional Football Leagues have pledged Tuesday to support the campaign "One billion hungry" launched by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), manifested by a campaign petition calling on governments to give priority to eradicating hunger. Moo no, no one snickers ...