Friday, December 25, 2009

Watch Digital Playground Unrated


Rain outlandish projects a new arena and high and proud proclamations of support for the glorious Servette Hockey-Cluc continues. Radicals propose a new arena in the parking Vernets (less parking, it is true that it's always good to take) or on the station site des Eaux-Vives, liberals are asking the State Council reach a joint project with the municipalities and the club on a specific location (it is better, in fact, because an inaccurate rink on a site, it is unclear what it might look like, if not freezing fog), and all this within five years. As for Mark Muller, sussurre if we do not support explicit le projet de nouvelle patinoire dans le cadre du projet de méga-centre sportif de Plan-les-Ouates, il n'attend que le moment de chausser ses patins de combat pour envoyer le puck aux Charpines. Bref, tout le monde s'agite (même nous, pour préparer un référendum au cas où). Euh... y'a des élections bientôt ou quoi ?

Les conneries de l'Euro2008 se reproduisent pour le Mondial2010 : deux sociétés se disputant le marché des « fans zones » se sont retrouvées devant la justice, la première, Genevents, qui installera des écrans et des animations aux Vernets, accusant la seconde, CPF (la société du député radical Frédiric Hohl) de concurrence unfair by offering a second "fan zone" and a second giant screen at the Praille in pursuing aggressive traders (probably not aware of the flop of the "fan zone" set up by the same two years ago at the End of the World) including traders who had already booked a booth at Vernets, for example by offering them for spots on a giant screen that the company did not yet received permission to install. As for the police, she was concerned: having regard to its staffing and mobilizations already provided (for "Lake Parade, which takes place the same day as the World Cup final, for example), two "fan zones" of 10,000 people each, it unmanageable security perspective. You will see that to complete the comic repetition, we will find itself again with the grotesque balloon floating Euro 2008 (when there is no wind, no rain) above the jet water, and we will have to again offer a premium to find a way to send it into the lake ...

The téléromande is quite happy: it has attracted 412'000 spectators to watch the Swiss get out of the Euro by Turkey, and reached up to 48, 8% market share (55 % pour TSR 1, 42,9 pour TSR 2) pendant les "prime time" de la période de l'Eurofoot. Bon, cela dit, 412'000 spectateurs, ça fait guère qu'un gros quart de la population romande... Si on ajoute les chaînes françaises (TF1 et M6), qui font ensemble 21,4 % de part de marché, on arrive à un peu gros tiers de la population, ce qui correspond aux sondages effectués avant l'Eurofoot et qui indiquaient qu'un tiers de la population s'y intéressaient, un tiers s'en foutaient et un tiers y était allergique. Au bilan final, selon l'UEFA elle-même, l'Eurofoot a été suivi en moyenne par 155 millions de téléspectateurs, dans le monde entier, ce qui est bien moins que claironné before the "event" to state that Eurofoot would generate intense interest and then to actually be able to confirm that aroused passionate interest had been released estimates of credibility unlikely that 6.4 million people living in Switzerland, or 91.6% of the population, including infants and bedridden, would watch (and had looked) at least once a live broadcast of a match of the Euro. According to the same statistics, men have spent half past eleven in front of the TV watching Eurofoot (it is roughly equivalent to six games, counting the half-time) and Women 8 ½ hours (four matches and dust).

A study to highlight how actors in a major event are encouraged to incorporate risk assessment and safety problems in the organization of the event was launched by the Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne. She is co-funded by the EPFL and the International Federation of Professional Football, FIFA. But not, apparently, by UIEFA. Well gosh, for a surprise is a surprise ...

The UEFA president did not like the color orange, the VIP area of the stadium was repainted Praille blue. At whose cost, exactly?

Great idea again: that was launched by the editor of "plots", Francesco Della Chiesa, and recovery (it deserves) by GHI: a floating stage on the lake, walking between Geneva, Lausanne, Montreux and Evian. After the balloon to Jobin, yeah, it was missing. The lake, it became the flea market?

The pebbles on the Plainpalais were removed, sometimes by hand, and replaced with gravel. "We made sure not to provide any ammunition inside the site in case of clashes," said the inevitable prebendary of Radical deputy to the sides of Euromachin Frederic Hohl.
In fact, it has not removed the ammunition was only changed in size.

After deflation of the balloon at the end Jobin (who is enthusiastic about the effect of the image of that thing above the water jet, an image that was "round the world"), Geneva Tourism Ad it assesses "the impact of advertising" of the thing, trying to compare the cost of paid advertising on 140 TV stations that broadcast the image of the balloon on the jet. It's so stupid as
comparison, anyway, Geneva was, alas, one of the host cities of Eurofoot, images of the water jet without balloon, were released on the same TV channels than those who were released with balloon. And the jet of water would it have been illuminated in green tint goose poop that the image would also have "gone around the world" ...

Federal Councillor Moritz Leuenberger and his colleagues from Austria, Germany and Liechtenstein, environment ministers, have permits, impolite, to criticize UEFA for its lack of environmental awareness, and CO2 emissions caused by 'Eurofoot. They are naive, our Ministers of the Environment : Waiting for UEFA to manifest a touch of environmental awareness? And why not ask the UDC to defend international solidarity?
Anyway, UEFA conscience: it is the humanitarian. Yes, yes. She pledged to make that 4000 euros to the ICRC for each goal scored. Humanitarian
but stingy.

A falconer has been mandated to keep away, with birds of prey, pigeons Stadium Praille pigeons which, like all birds, the bad habit of shitting on the premises they occupy. A method "ecological, inexpensive and very effective," says the director of the stadium, Carnazzola. The opposite of the stadium, in fact. And the Director of rejoicing in the "Sunday Morning" May 25 "seats and windows boxes are no longer contaminated by the droppings" (this is always the pigeons, not the occupants of the boxes). A hawk and two jets will patrol every day so above the stage to scare away pigeons. This rapprochement between sport-dough and ornythologie was, inevitably, in the air in the soap and the Praille Eurofoot, nozzles, (true or false) idiots and pigeons have been present since the beginning .

Souvenirs (in "Le Temps" on 27 May) of the Swiss goalkeeper football during the World Cup 1954 (it took place in Switzerland), Eugene Parlier said "Gégène"): the players had received a total of 900 balls for any damages (they all had a job on the side), a case of "vivi-cola" and twenty packets of fags "Moroccan" ... And had resulted in the semifinals. Ben well, that we are getting older ...

A comedy series produced by TV Romande (French and two private channels), "futurofoot" has drawn the wrath of UEFA, which has banned (she had the power?) Diffusion in the "Fan Zone" Plainpalais, accusing him of making fun "of football its bodies, its rules and its philosophy "by showing" (...) sexual content and scenes of violence "(doctors flying the players, players fighting with each other, fights between players and referees). The Drawings (or Jean-Luc Bideau officiates in "Professor Blotter") explain "how to bribe a referee," "how to cause a player without being punished," "how to score or stop a penalty kick for sure." She's right, the UEFA, criticizing "futurofoot" is not a comedy series is a documentary ... The director of that documentary, Nicolas Wadimoff, finds the letter carefully to the UEFA amazing tone straight out the Stalin era, "and noted that the" Fan Zones "are downright become" UEFA areas where we must think UEFA UEFA laughter "(" Le Matin Dimanche, 25 May). Yeah. But it ' is not the only fan-zone Plainpalais was a "UEFA zone" was all Geneva.

According to two surveys of the Institute for Research and Studies of media advertising (REMP), 15% of the population plays susse football for fun and not for the money) and an amateur footballer is a footballer in five (one in four children under 35 years). The practice of amateur football for 16% of the Alemanni, 11% and 10 Romands % of Ticino. The proportion of smokers is higher (31%) in that amateur footballers in the general population (29%), but they consume less alcohol. Supporters compensate.

Most footballs are manufactured by hand in Pakistan, particularly in Sialkot in Punjab, where 35,000 people (women and men but, still, children) produce twenty million balloons per year. Until at least 1996, this production was largely carried by children working at home, and excluded from school by their work. 17,000 children and 42,000 adults were employed in the manufacture of footballs in 1996. In 1997, a treaty between producers, UNICEF and ILO prohibited the employment of children under 14. This treaty had effect: 10,000 children were able to follow the primary school, 5000, then continue their training but the families pertdu a source of income, and labor compensation has not improved it even decreased by 10% in ten years. Today, workers, paid by the piece, earning 40 to 75 cents per ball produced in the "normal" conditions, or 50% more for those made under conditions of fair trade, we find these "fair ball" in trade with us for a price just higher than others.
The Swiss imports each year a million and a half of soccer balls sold between twenty and forty francs. Schools buy 20 to 30% of the goods without much whether it was produced under the usual conditions of serfdom or those of "fair trade". It is therefore likely that schools in our beautiful country buying balloons "made in conditions of misery" and exploitation, as reported by the Work of Swiss Labour Assistance (SLA). Before Eurofoot, Credit Suisse had the brilliant idea to launch a marketing campaign by distributing 200,000 footballs. Before pointed out to him that good Part of the production of these balloons was still handled by children, which ultimately pushed the bank to donate one million to UNICEF. When the International Federation of Professional Football, FIFA, has "banned" for its certified firms to employ children, but it makes no due diligence and does not endorse the ban a violation of ex post Once the offense denounced (when it is), found (when we made the effort) and proven (when possible), this ban is probably often violated the rules of football at international matches. Especially since the "certified companies" frequently use subcontractors who, themselves, are not "certified".

According to the "England Journal of Medicine", watch a football match for "high stakes" increases the risk of heart attack. Emergency services recorded a peak attendance in the two hours after the kickoff of a sporting event, and some cardiologists wonder if we should not, for prophylaxis, delete-proof "shots on goal ". French doctors recommend their patients post-myocardial not to watch football matches important. In 2006, during the football World Cup, hospitalizations increased 25% Germany. It is certainly in most cases benign, but as the ER are already congested, these benign conditions have even more congested. During the World Cup in Germany, the number of heart ailments has doubled in Munich, and the risk of heart attack during the matches of the German team was 3.26 times higher for men and 1.82 times higher for women than normal. Within the population suffering from arterial ailments have quadrupled.
Hence the good advice of "Sunday Morning" from 1 June: during the matches, "at least move the legs from time to time," "Avoid alcohol", "do not forget your medications," "watch the games with friends or family" (they call for help), and "Dial 144 in case of emergency."
This would not be easier to get downright hospitalized before the game? According

the Geneva gendarmerie, the record of alcohol recorded during Eurofoot amounted to 3.67 per thousand for men and 2.69 per thousand for women.
Equality is making great strides. Finally ... when it comes to stand still.

is estimated at 770 tons per year global consumption of drugs, without taking into account that steroid anabolic steroids and testosterone. this corresponds to an annual 14 billion doses of steroids and 34 billion doses of EPO and GH, and 15 million consumers of steroids, 1 and a half million and two million Testosterone EPO and GH. Athletes, professional or amateur, are the vast majority of consumers of these bullshit: 38 to 40% of consumers are in the customer gyms (and safety professionals), and 35 to 37% athletes in any sport (Le Monde, June 17, 2008).

consumption of beer, sausages and chips was boosted by Eurofoot in Switzerland in June, sales of beer increased 15% compared to June 2007, sales of sausages 11%, sales of chips by 9%, sales of peanuts, salted nuts and seeds 6% of those sporting goods 15%. By contrast, sales of televisions, video equipment and cameras were down 3-25%. Everybody can not make money at the same time.

past two years, Austria was training intensively for the Euro. In August 2006, a young woman, Natascha Kampusch, managed to escape from a cellar where she was held captive for eight years and a half near Vienna. In April 2008, we discovered that a man sequestered for years his own daughter in a cellar, after raping her and making her seven children. In May 2008, finally, a 39 year old man killed his entire family with an ax on the grounds of his family to avoid the shame of his own ruin. The Austrian football team (qualified automatically for Euro) was beginning to scare his opponents.
Yet, according to a poll just before the start of the competition, 34% of Austrian-ne-s said they were "not interested" Eurofoot, and 22% "somewhat interested". And in September 2007, a petition was launched under the title "Austria is known to hold" for Austria qualified automatically for Euro puisqu'organisatrice (like Switzerland to compete, we do not need to play, just pay) withdraws from the tournament because of his footballing low level, and to allow teams more worthy to participate in Eurofoot to participate. In one month, the petition had collected 10,000 signatures.

A Croatian war criminal, the Ustasha Milijov Asner, former police chief of the fascist regime of Ante Pavelic, 95 years old Strawberry and support of Croatia, was spotted and photographed on the terrace of a café Klagenfurt. Considered "senile" by the Austrian courts, and therefore unfit to stand trial, he was presented by the Simon Wiesenthal Center as an example of the protection granted by Austria to former war criminals. Another example of a past that does not happen is the place of final Eurofoot: Viennese stage in Nazi past. So what? For the gods of the stadium, it is well worth Nuremberg, right?

According to figures published by "Time" (31 May), 146'300 juniors are enrolled in a football club in 2008 in Switzerland, including 19,000 girls. In ten years the number of juniors enrolled in a club has increased by 20%, while in Meanwhile, the athletic clubs lost half of their juniors.

After Euro2008 football, the Mondial2009 hockey. And so, after Flix and Trix, Cooly. Cooly is the chosen mascot for the 2009 world championship ice hockey, to be held in Switzerland. Cooly and is a cow. A cow for a world championship hockey, it makes sense. But it is unclear in what direction.

The State Foundation for tourism, Tourism and Geneva Cantonal Committee of Sports Toto 360,000 bullets slammed poour float a large ball (fifteen meters in diameter) above the water jet (from least when the wind does not blow at more than 30 km / h). The thing was held by three cables, two attached to the pier, connected to a floating barge. The installation of mooring points had required the installation of 40 tons of crap in the lake, and the launching of a barge equipped with a winch. And it was necessary to mobilize a dozen specialists, April 23, to implement this bullshit.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Association of Professional Football Leagues on April 14 signed a cooperation agreement to promote initiatives to raise awareness of the issues relating to food security and the fight against hunger. Both organizations believe that the power of football is an effective tool for development and for promoting the fight against world hunger and to achieve the goal of halving by 2015 the number of people suffering from hunger and poverty. All this is fine. But given the amount of crap diverse as football fans will gobble during the Euro, would see to sign an agreement of cooperation: the fight against gluttony and obesity.

After the Beijing Olympics will be held the Olympics (winter) in Vancouver in 2010. And again, there's the natives who bitch. Tibetans not, obviously, but the Indians. The damned bitch wild against the construction of new infrastructure on the territories that are supposed to be theirs, and have never been ceded to the federal government or the province: Hotels, parking and gondola should thrive on the last hunting grounds intact Salish. Who was never consulted by either the local Olympic committee or the IOC. Are shitting the redskins, they know that they were beaten by John Wayne?

As the Olympic Games in Beijing, they will be held in a city cleaned its dissidents: End July, Amnesty International reported on the "values of the Olympic Charter" (which means "to encourage a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity"), facing the Chinese reality. Conclusion: the death sentences and executions (8000 per year) continues, "re-education through labor" for petty criminals and deviants also different, the pressure and repression on human rights defenders ditto, censorship s' is strengthened against journalists and the internet, national minorities, particularly Tibetans and Uighurs, are targeted ... from late December 2007, police began to arrest and put under house arrest dozens of human rights activists, intellectuals and lawyers critical of each other. What does not move the president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Jacques Rogge, who keeps saying that we should not "mix sport and politics," should not "ask the IOC to solve all the problems of the world "(besides, we are not asking anything, the IOC) that the IOC is" a sports organization "(still formed national committees controlled from near and far by states) and which told the Financial Times qu'il fallait se montrer "patients" avec la Chine, étant donné son histoire. Et aux journaliste du "Temps" qui lui rappellent que la Charte olympique, dans son art. 5, "fait référence aux droits de l'Homme", Rogge répond : "Nous défendons le principe général des droits de l'Homme, sans entrer dans le domaine spécifique du monde de la politique". C'est commode, ça fait des droits de l'Homme une sorte d'ectoplasme métaphysique sans contenu réel, et ça évite d'avoir à se battre pour les faire respecter.

Le 27 juillet, le Secrétaire Général et l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU ont lancé un "appel solennel" à tous Member States for an "Olympic Truce" at the opening games, August 8, to "allow to reflect the high price of war, to open a dialogue and provide assistance to people who suffer from conflict ".
Result: During the Games, the Georgia attack South Ossetia, Russia invaded Georgia, the war continues in Afghanistan and Iraq ...

The 2014 World Cup will take place in Brazil, which was the only country in the running, 30 October 2007, at the decision by FIFA. "A World Cup in Brazil is like going on pilgrimage to Macque, St. Jacques de Compostela or Jerusalem," said, inspired by the Most High, the president of UEFA, Michel Platini St. it will not be easy to play football prostrate or kneeling. As for the writer Paulo Coelho, he tried to joke: "the emotion of football lasts longer than sex. But this is not better." Coelho's humor is of the same level as his books.
As for Brazil, he promised a "World" social and ecological. It will play in a World without sponsors and without the national anthems games in vacant lots with balls of vegetable fiber in the matches pitting teams of amateurs. No? Ah well ...

"The Courier" breaks the atmosphere of the "great festival of football" by recalling (June 13) what was used, and what could cause the matches of some national teams in international competition:
- match between Italy Fascist and Republican Spain in the World 1934: several English players injured, the match is canceled;
- match between fascist Italy and fascist Hungary in 1938 at the World: the Italians are cut in military uniform;
- match between a Ukrainian team and a German team in 1942 in Kiev. Ukrainians earn. All Ukrainian team was arrested by the Gestapo, all players are tortured and deported, many die in the camps.
- match between Peru and Argentina in 1964 in Lima. The referee cancels a Peruvian goal, the audience protested, two of them tumble to the ground, the police fired shots into the air and causing a panic that is 320 dead and 800 wounded.
- playoff matches of the World Cup between Honduras and El Salvador in 1969: El Salvador lost the first leg in Honduras, wins the second leg at home after the Honduran players hotel was on fire. Clashes are two deaths. El Salvador then won the playoff in Mexico. A war between El Salvador and Honduras, it lasts a week, is 2000 dead and thousands injured. According to sexologist

Ronald Virag, men now prefer football on TV and sex, and month of Eurofoot promises to be particularly depressing for couples (but exciting enough, however, for single men on the hunt for 'supporters' wives).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Difference Between Pms And Pregnancy Sympotoms


Two visionaries, director of the Hotel de Rhone, Marco Torriani, and the president of Geneva Tourism, Jean-Pierre Jobin, thus had a brilliant idea, taken up (whether it is a genius idea) by Mark Muller and the "Tribune de Genève": to organize the Olympic Winter Games, 2018 Geneva. It is true that it was lacking in our winter sports resort. Torriani and Jobin have therefore mounted an exploratory committee, pumped 200,000 francs Sports Toto, and went to beg for moral support and a variety. They got one in particular, as expected, Mark Muller, always ready to support this kind of crap (invariably described as projects "ambitious and exciting", whoopee!). In the "Tribune" of 27 June, we lay squarely rédac'chef an editorial orgasmic: Not only "Euro 2008 is a total success that even the fiasco Bout du Monde can not start" (we'll have explains how a successful container un fiasco peut être total...)" et l'image de la baudruche à Jobin sur le jet d'eau a été une image "parfaite", mais "dans la griserie de l'instant" (raaaah lovely) "un seul projet semble désormais capable de satisfaire l'appétit des nouveaux rois de l'événement" et de leurs porte-plumes : les JO 2018, qui ramèneraient "l'Euro aux dimensions d'une belle fête foraine", et permettraient en plus aux fétichistes de la bagnole et aux drogués du béton de nous coller la traversée routière de la rade, la troisième voie autoroutière et un nouvel aéroport. Reste plus que quelques détails à peaufiner : s'assurer "l'appui des autres cantons, de la Confédération et de la France voisine" (Ruetschi a oublié l'Union européenne et l'ONU, mais ça doit être dans l'exaltation du moment), et surtout du peuple (qui devra se prononcer), de "Swiss Olympic" (l'organe faîtier de l'olympisme en Helvétie), qui avait déclaré renoncer à une candidature suisse pour 2018, et des instances olympiques (qui, comme l'UEFA pour l'Euro, ne donneront pas leur appui mais le vendront, très cher) et du "reste du monde", qui évidemment n'a que ça comme préoccupation essentielle. Les promoteurs des JO de Genève veulent encore trouver une personnalié qui soit la "figure de proue" du projet (Mark Muller pense à Stéphane Lambiel, Pirmin Zurbriggen and Didier Cuche is the mean height of the leading figures ...). Mark and Roger, then we forget?
As for us, we will have to learn from the Euroracket JOracket to avoid, and we do it early enough to derail a project even more stupid than the one which was just released. Because "if the application (Geneva) to materialize, Geneva will vote in 2009." But if we invite them to each credit application, to every bill, every area of decommissioning in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 ...
Anyway, a Geneva Olympic bid in 2018 apparently peu de chances : les Jeux Olympiques étant organisés non par des pays mais par des villes (ce que Manuel Tornare n'a pas manqué de rappeler à Mark Muller), et les règles de Swiss Olympic (qui n'a d'ailleurs même pas été informée de la pseudo-candidature genevoise, et avait même annoncé qu'il n'y aurait pas de candidature suisse pour les jeux de 2018) imposant une ratification des candidatures par vote populaire (communal ou cantonal, voire les deux), les Genevois (de la Ville en tous cas, et du canton en plus, vraisemblablement) devront obligatoirement être consultés, et pas seulement sur le principe : aussi sur un crédit d'investissement, une subvention, une garantie de deficit in short, the official amount of racketeering. Mark Muller racket which ensures that it has "no idea".
And this is where we will laugh. Because the budget kind of a joke of the Winter Olympics will be about two billion (it was the budget of the Turin Olympics in 2006), two-year total budget of the City. In a city (and township) unable to pay its 150 million empty stadium, perhaps a bit excessive. Suffice to say that the gag Jobin and Torriani may be holding. Especially for "Swiss Olympic," a Swiss candidate for 2018 would "make no sense and almost no chance", the previous games (2014) takes place already in Europe (in Sochi Russia, the doors of Abkhazia and Georgia, will be mild sport) and the rule being that of a tournus between continents (there are already two nominations and a nomination Asian American) .. In addition, Swiss Olympic doubts the popular fervor invoked by Mark Muller. And Manuel Tornare the relevance of the comparison with Eurofoot: organize Olympic Games, even winter is far more complex than accommodate three football matches.

That said, should understand, taborniaux who want to organize the Olympic Winter Piogre: as UEFA, the IOC is a gigantic pump money (since the beginning of the era Samaranch in 1984). During 2004-2008 Olympiad, the Olympic movement has seen five billion revenue. More than half (53%) of revenue of the Olympic movement from TV broadcast rights, sponsors follow with 34% behind the ticket with 11%, derivatives derived from 2%. The IOC receives 8% of this windfall and return them to the rest of the Games Organising Committees, and (to a lesser extent) in Olympic sports federations and national Olympic committees, and a few crumbs at the International Paralympic Committee and the WADA. In a funding program "TOP" (T he Olympic Partner ") were met for the Beijing Olympics twelve multinational companies (Coca-Cola, Visa, Panasonic, Kodak, McDonalds, Samsung, Lenovo) who paid $ 866 million the right to use the Olympic emblem. In the Organizing Committee for the Beijing Olympics (BOCOG), there were 35 companies (mostly Chinese, but also multinationals such as Adidas and Volkswagen) who each paid 28.5 million (one billion total), plus benefits in kind (VW provides 5,000 vehicles, adidas outfits the volunteers), waiting for a good return on investment (adidas expects an immediate return of 100 million, three times his bet, and doubling its outlets China). For the first time the amounts collected by the sponsoring National (700 million) exceeded those of the sponsoring International (500 million). The addition of the two, however, not reach the total TV rights: $ 1.7 billion). As for the ticket, she just met (expected) the hundreds of millions. A straw. A big straw, but a straw.
Time goes: In 1948, during the first televised games, the BBC had paid fees 800 balls. And the IOC had made him, because he made the profit. It will obviously benefit incomparable in 2008, but nothing will hundreds of millions (1,737 billion) he has cashed in TV rights. The only NBC has paid $ 894 million, giving it the power to impose competition times for them to spend many happy hours for its viewers, and especially its advertisers. Europe followed at a safe distance, with 400 million rights (for all countries of Europe combined, the Alante at the Urals).

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Get Rid Of Swollen Knuckles


It's a long time that the stadiums are no longer sports arenas, but only accessories (bulky and expensive, of course) shopping centers. Stage is no longer profitable. And even for events like Eurofoot, managers of these pumps in money, but not repressed aspirants, announce that they will be happy not to lose too much money. Football is not a profitable activity in itself it is profitable, that is all that organizes around. We need 14,000 fans per game the team return to normal stage in Switzerland, about as much to recoup the Geneva Stadium. The Stade de Suisse in Berne, which cost 350 million, includes retail shops, schools, conference rooms, a solar power plant. Ac accessory and a football field. The Basle stadium has cost 220 million francs, the Zurich stadium 130 million, the Geneva stadium stages millions.Les 240 Swiss hosting matches of the Euro weigh together 930 million investment for their construction. Leased to the UEFA Euro, they had to be adapted at the expense of public authorities. The bill amounted to ten million in Zurich, Geneva and fifteen.

For Jelmoli, the construction of the stadium Praille was a way to swallow than its mall. But the Zurich group was willing to sell this stage now, with all the real estate group (one hundred buildings in Switzerland), for 3 and a half billion. Jelmoli even thought to have found buyers: an Israeli group. And July 31, Jelmoli Holding announced the sale. For two months later, announce that the transaction was compromised, purchasers challenging the agreed amount (Jelmoli would have 300 million requested for the sole center of Praille, who did that in steel string 140) ...

The good old football club Urania Geneva Geneva Sport (UGS) is living the most beautiful stadium in the Republic, the Frontenex (although that would also need to receive a few crumbs of what was given to the turd of Praille). UGS is also a tenant, by his circle, the City of Geneva for his bistro located in the old town hall Eaux-Vives. Now the City of Geneva wants to recover the premises to enlarge the Office of Civil Status, actually very close to the ground floor of the Old Town Hall. City and therefore plans to terminate the lease of the circle UGS, whose president, Alain Morisod brave, wrote to the heads of political groups in the City Council asking for their support and tell them that at least considering a petition or an initiative for the bistro UGS does not suffer the fate that threatened (imperfect is optimistic) and the Alhambar which has already hit the lens, radar and relay the steak-which was of also sparked protests from the City.
However, if the City is seeking for its office premises Civil Status, it may find the Praille: y 'is a great machine generally unused, or empty to 90%, and whose primary function is the money pump. But
suction pump only.

In Lausanne, a citizens' committee has initiated and is leading an initiative communal people attacking the plan "Metamorphosis" from the municipality for which a credit of $ 6.3 million study was approved by the council. which implies (at least in one of its three variants) the demolition of the old stadium and the Pontaise development on the site of an "eco-district", the athletics stadium redevelopment Vidy, the concreting of a portion of the expansion area of Vidy and building a new stadium (12 to 15,000 seats), an Olympic pool and a bowling alley in Bourdonnette and a multipurpose room at the sports-movie Blécherette. For the initiators, the athletics stadium and football Pontaise are a "key element of the identity of the northern city" and should stay there (not necessarily the Pontaise, although it would be stupid to demolish the stadium , and Geneva, so it can be renovated) but in any case in the north of the City. The initiators also plead for mixed assignments "each district must have housing, employment, public facilities ...". The right Lausanne, worried, asked that the municipality organizes itself spontaneously and (almost) a referendum on the project "Metamorphosis", a story to avoid victory of the initiators, and especially to vote the right people as quickly (and best) possible. Lausanne The Greens voted against the initiative, accusing him of being "binding" (which is usually the case initiatives made), not to respect the "functioning of our institutions" (the right way, though initiattive part of the "functioning of our institutions") and "short" approach "participatory" lancvée by the authorities (what's more "participatory", however, that a popular initiative ?)...

Biel, December 9, 1970 yen and% of citizens who have agreed to vote (abstention rate: 73%) agreed to draft a new football stadium and that of a NOUELLE rink. Funding for this sports complex is supposed to be fully insured by a partnership with the private sector.

In Valais, and in January, the seminar fundamentalist Catholic Ecône filed an appeal with the government against changing the allocation of areas essential to the project de stade et de centre commercial (plus éventuellement un téléphérique et une patinoire) présenté par le patron du FC Sion, le promoteur Christian Constantin, qui contrôle déjà 140'000 m2 de terrain (il en est propriétaire ou dispose d'un droit de préemption) Les écônards invoquent les "nuisances", notamment sonores, qu'ils subiraient si le stade se construisait. Y'a pourtant qu'à faire chanter les supporters en grégorien.

A Zurich, le vieux stade du Hardturm a été occupé pendant trois jours, une semaine après la fin de l'Euroboxon, par des militants de la gauche alternative, qui y ont organisé une "Fan zone alternative" pour protester against "the domination of UEFA on public space" and "commercialization of football." Thousands of people attended the festival held in the stadium, unused for a year.
is an idea that is good. And importable in Geneva, where we also have a stage usually unused ...

Supporters Swiss football teams denounce prohibitive tariffs charged in the stadiums of the country, especially for fans of the teams received (it's cheaper for those teams domiciled). The difference between the fare for the support of the local team and the visiting team is from 30% to Zurich to 50% in Berne. In the new stadium Letzigrund, the place is the cheapest at 35 francs: it is 50% more than in Milan or Munich. In Neuchâtel and Bern, visitors pay 10 francs more than the hosts, in Basel, 11 francs more ...

France wants to undertake a comprehensive program to build new stadiums in preparation for Euro 2016-that it wants to be awarded. The French government has set up a commission "Great stadium 2016", chaired by former Minister Philippe Seguin. France wants to run for the Euro 2016, and must do so in 2010, the designation of the host country is faisant en 2011. Il se pourrait que l'Eurofoot fasse s'affronter 24 équipes (au lieu de 16 actuellement). Mais pour l'Euro 2012 déjà, l'UEFA impose (car c'est l'UEFA qui impose, pas les collectiités publiques qui décident...) au pays organisateur huit sades d'au moins 30'000 places, dont deux d'au moins 50'000 places. Or la France ne possède que cinq stades de plus de 40'000 places. Mais treize stades vont être rénovés ou construits dans les prochaines années, à Grenoble, Lille, Valenciennes, Lens, Le Mans, Le Havre, Nice, Lyon et Strasbourg.
A Lyon, le futur "grand staded" d'une capacité de 62'000 places pourraît être livré fin 2001.
A Strasbourg, Eurostadium a (necessarily) is projected.
In Lille, it's a 50,000 seater stadium, funded by the public of the urban community (to the tune of at least 490 million euros), which is projected. The Metropolitan Council would provide more, free field. Two other stadium projects hanging over northern France, Valenciennes and Lens, which would make chtis the happy inhabitants of the region with the highest concentration of stadium paid for by public funds, with three stages of at least 30 '000 places 30 km apart.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

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two Iranian investors, Canadian and French by adoption, Majid Pishyar et son fils Amin, à la tête d'un groupe industriel de Dubaï (32Group) et de plusieurs sociétés, dont la "Swiss Financial Consulting Services" à Genève, et qui étaient entrés dans le comité du Servette au début novembre, projettaient carrément de le racheter (pour huit millions), de le transformer en société anonyme, de créer une structure, du marketing, des finances solides, un management professionnel, un centre de formation... et de le faire remonter en "Super League". Majid Pishyar est "l'homme du futur pour Servette", assurait l'actuel président du club, le brave Francisco Vinas, avant de couper les jambes dudit "homme du futur". Ceux qui looking for lice in the hair of Micheline Calmy-Rey because she went to Iran would certainly not have failed to protest against the assumption of a purchase of Servette by Iranians, but boom! "La Tribune" of June 7 announced that "man of the future" was more likely than the future perfect: the president Vinas has announced the club's website that "gentlemen Pishyar wanting to stick to assurances of a general nature ", without signing the fifteen pages of agreement proposed by Vinas," it was not possible to obtain sufficient commitments considered. The Christian West is saved. Especially since Pishyar have already shown in the revival of an Austrian football club, Admira Wacker Mödling, Vienna, Austria, champions eight times, but put into liquidation after being chaired by Majid Pishyar. The club also then simply disappeared. The whole family sat on the committee Pishyar club (the father, his son and nephew), which has not prevented the club from being relegated twice, the second time "on the green carpet" because of Bank Guarantee not paid by the clan Pishyar. Finally, on July 7, and seven votes against five (but in the absence of both Pishyar), the committee refused the association's plan Servette Pishyar, and therefore the award of between Vinas and can Pishyar. Suddenly, the coach approached FC Servette, Gérard Castella, who had entered the side of Pishyar, threw in the towel, and Jacques wants Barle head Vinas.

May 23, that were seized as part of the bankruptcy of Servette FC have been dumped by the Office of bankruptcies, in an auction that could possibly (and again, we're not sure) to bring enough to pay the costs of the auction. From the bottom of the hole, Marc Roger surprise: cuts won by Servette, the flags of his opponents, the jerseys of Pele, Zidane, Henry or Ronaldinho offered at the club have not been sold, and disappeared.
If nothing but that which has disappeared ... In fact, there's that Roger has managed to keep it.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

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Brought manu policiari Madrid in Geneva on October 11 in an air ambulance (the transfer had cost about 100,000 bales, especially as France had refused Roro transit through its territory), charged mismanagement, fraudulent bankruptcy, fraud, breach of trust, the former boss of FC Servette, Marc Roger was denied then moult again his provisional release, Oct. 19, Dec. 14, Feb. 5, the February 12, April 4, May 20, June 4, July 28. Each time the same argument to the same rejection: the risk of leakage, scalded cat fears cold water, and collusion (must be said that the sinking of Servette, Roro is solely responsible to be possible in sheet). The file was forwarded to prosecutors, the Indictment Chamber considered that the risk of leakage was aggravated, and the Federal Court has confirmed. Yet Roro has dared everything: he not only promised, vowed, he will not run away, but even assured that he wanted to stay in Geneva ... to resume Servette, through the resolution of outstanding claims pour 30 millions de francs.
Le procès de Roro devrait s'ouvrir le 1er septembre, devant la Cour correctionnelle avec jury. Pluie annoncée de témoins (pas moins de 95) plus ou moins crédibles et plus ou moins utiles à la manifestation de la vérité : Pelé, Bernard Tapie, Alain Morisod, Guy Roux (increvable entraîneur de l'AJ Auxerre), Thierry Henry, Patrick Vieira, Claude Makelele (joueurs français), Roman Abramovic (milliardaire russe, président du FC Chelsea), Sepp Blatter (président de la fédération du foot-pognon)... D'ici là, et pendant tout le procès, le bouc émissaire doit rester dans son enclos, estiment les parties civiles. Les avocats de Roger was obviously a different view, believing that a remand of two years is disproportionate to the penalty, and offered his bail conditions against a deposit of 40,000 francs, that prosecutors felt inadequate-without not opposing the surrender of the scapegoat in loose housing, but for a higher deposit. Roro claims to be totally broke, but justice Geneva investigated an account he had opened in 2001 in Luxembourg, and the rumor suggested he was still credited with a little million, while he claimed he was Dry since 2003. This is almost case the account was largely emptied before the arrival of the Roro Servette in 2004. He had been fed in 2001 and 2002 by the commissions paid for the transfer of the player Makelele Clude Spain.
In the same procedure as Roro involved his former lawyer, Marguerite Fauconnet, the boss of a trustee and former director Zurich Servette FC, Olivier Maus, who objected to her tax return on file , has requested additional financial expertise (which were denied) and accuses the bankruptcy of his former team leader SFC, including its former president, the current National Councillor Liberal Christian Lüscher, and two former directors Olivier Carrard and Alain Rolland (Jelmoli) that Maus accused of having done everything to repel an inevitable bankruptcy, and have embellished the situation of the SFC in order to peddle the moribund , Roger. Even Marc Roger accusers agree that "the club has been artificially saved" in 2004, and that "everyone has been duped," as recognized by the Attorney Zanni, for whom it is "laughable to say that it was not "that the club needed 15 million" to exit the head of water "... "I bought the club thinking it had a liability of 4.5 million francs. In reality, it was 14.5 million. Servette FC leaders who sold me the club has squandered the legacy bequeathed by Canal Plus, said (last October) Marc Roger, who promised he would "soon" publish on the Internet accounting evidence that it has been wronged by the leaders of Servette at the time he bought it. expected. impatiently.
Meanwhile, Roro is only to pay the piper. And it's been 20 months since he gnouf.Au is passing, his lawyer, Alain Marti, was charged with forgery for having produced a document that would have a notary Geneva money to "save Servette" of bankruptcy. And even widely: according to this "document", nearly six billion francs would be in the hands of the notary, this gold mine from a brilliant invention of a Lebanese Ferray Joseph, who had discovered a way to extinguish oil well fire in Iraq. The lawyer of Roger was thus indicted in fall 2007 to have produced the document supposedly proving that the notary had this fortune. The lawyer admits that producing the report, but advocates of good faith. That of coal, probably.

To complete the ranking of Roro, is accused not only of having single-handedly sank the Servette, but also get paid men hand to threaten a recalcitrant debtor, and attempt to extort 150,000 bales. In this case, Marc Roger, however, is heard only as witnesses, since they are the henchmen who have gone to court in November.

Roro is also not only accused to justice Geneva, it is also occasionally accuser. On 16 January he was released from his cell before the Tribunal to indict a former police reporter from "Time", against whom he filed a complaint for defamation and he accuses of having an article published in December 2004 scuppered Rescue Servette by mysterious Russian investors, who were (according Roro) ready to swing three million francs, but it would have given up after reading the article in Roro was wanted by English police for having forged a bill of exchange and have been implicated in the collapse of the football club FC Lorca.

To top it off, the father of Roro was also found to gnouf in mid-November, and for a little less than two years for abuse of company property, forgery and using false: he used funds from both companies, at 2.7 million, to feed the football club which he was president, Olympique Alès (money used to pay rent, relocation and gifts to players and their families).

Finally, Roro wrote (or rather is written by the journalist Michel Biet) his memoirs. He had begun to do just before his arrest in February, but found no publisher because he wanted an advance on his excessive royalties. DATAS news agency obtained a copy of Memoirs of Roro, and "The Courier" we made a chti summary (in its edition of June 25). Roro describes networks of cronyism, graft and habits "footbusiness" but makes no particular revelations: he describes an environment rotten, they knew already rotten before we describe it. He presents himself as the victim of a mafia system, which knows to be mafia. He regrets having put fifteen years to understand that he was in a "lawless environment", or "everything is permitted for the sale or purchase of a player," and where there is "arrangements, bribes, the retro-commissions, threats, liar poker games, scams, "with players as the players" greedy ", officers, agents," shady middlemen 'and coaches' ready for anything, for more money, "the whole background of retro-commissions, fraud tax, tax evasion, transactions in cash or by check to accounts in tax havens ... professional sport, what, in all its beauty.

late May, the auction in relief of Marc Roger Servette (business seized upon the bankruptcy of SA) took the appearance of a sellout. the machine to print the shirts, which is 10,000 bales, went for 500 balls, jacket Roro and twenty suits are gone for 90 balls, T-shirts stamped with the names of the players were limited to a few dozen gold coins.

Friday, October 9, 2009

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The president of the Foundation Stage, Benedict Genecand took a big hit with fatigue, and resigned. From the foundation stage, but the project management "Praille-Acacias-Vernets" (VAP), where he had been appointed by State Councillor Mark Muller. Genecand explanation, the fact remains that the head of the foundation stage but leaves that of the VAP project: the Presidency of the Stadium "has nothing comparable in terms of charges." Except charges on government coffers, but that's not a problem for Muller.

President Servette FC, Francisco Vinas, estimated to cover only the costs of use (rental of the stadium, security, lighting) of the wasteland Praille par le club, il faudrait que les matches attirent 1500 spectateurs payants. Ils n'en attirent souvent pas la moitié, et n'atteignent que très rarement cette fréquentation minimale nécessaire pour que le club ne perde pas de l'argent en utilisant le stade. Quant au stade lui-même, il lui faudrait en gros 14'000 spectateurs par match de l'équipe locale pour être rentable. Or il n'atteint pas le dixième de cette jauge :
Le 28 octobre 2007, Servette reçoit Lugano à la Praille : 2010 spectateurs. Le stade est vide à 93 %
Le 11 novembre, Servette reçoit La Chaux de Fonds à la Praille : 1210 spectateurs. Le stade est vide à 96 %
Le 2 décembre, Servette reçoit Gossau to Praille: 759 spectators. The stadium is empty to 97%
On February 24, 2008, at Concordia receives Servette Praille: 1782 spectators. The stadium is empty to 94%
March 19, Servette Vaduz receives the Praille: 839 spectators. The stadium is empty to 97%.
April 5, Schaffhausen Servette receives the Praille: 1117 spectators. The stadium is empty 96%
April 16, Servette receives the Locarno Praille: 1063 spectators. The stadium is empty 96%
April 21, a gala match with many stars of soccer (Karembeu, Lizarazu, Zidane, Cantona ...) drew 19,088 spectators to Praille. Even then, the stadium is the third empty.
April 28, Servette Lausanne receives the Praille: 2011 spectators. The stadium is empty to 93%.
June 7, Portugal and Turkey occurs within Eurofoot: 29'106 spectators. The last stage is almost full (97%). It remains for the other two matches played at Euro Geneva.
July 26, Servette Lugano receives the Praille: 1531 spec exporters. The stadium is empty to 95%.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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A grant for the Foundation Stage of Praille?

This fall, presumably between the election of the Grand Council and the Council of State, the Grand Council (now without doubt) will vote on a proposed new drain on public funds to feed those in the private foundation in Geneva Stadium. Two proposals are in competition: the majority of right (without the UDC, which opposes any public funding of the foundation), which gives 700,000 francs to the foundation for him to avoid bankruptcy, and the socialists and greens, which limit alms to 500,000 francs (trying to avoid a referendum). Compared to the nine million over four years as the hilarious Mark Muller originally sought, it certainly is now, finally, a little sense on this issue fair game, but it still persists in practice to respect of a private foundation on the brink of bankruptcy absurd aggressive therapy, which can not be answered, charitably, that by appealing to Dignitas and Exit. The Foundation is the brink of bankruptcy? Let him take a big step forward ...

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After extortion, pilfering, and after pumping tens of millions, the drip-drop of hundreds of thousands of francs ... we are now apparently modest, prudent, but method remains the same: to use public funds to meet those of the Foundation Stage. Especially as the proposed grant along with some other gifts public: the deferral of repayment of debts of the foundation against the City of Lancy and Regulation by the state instead of the foundation of the retirement area of 325,000 francs due to the SBB. What is that ultimately, if the proposal of the majority of the Finance Committee of the Grand Council had accepted the gift to the foundation exceed one million. That is to say the limit beyond which the Committee of citizens against public funding of the stadium will launch a referendum. And these are not "conditions" that pretends to lay the foundation to grant a subsidy that deter us from the start: the foundation is unable to those conditions (a new service agreement, a business plan, "some commercial momentum" and the miraculous discovery of other "solutions to long-term remediation" means all liabilities which are no better than those taken by foundation for nearly a decade, and has never been able to hold). A referendum would definitely (if the grant is 700'00 francs) or maybe (if it is 500,000 francs) to citizens and citizens of the township, and for the first time (those of the City have already pronounced, and clearly) to say what they think of the dreary soap opera. And probably to say that should terminate, and the only "solution to long-term remediation" of the Foundation Stage of Praille is its outright abandonment, total and permanent by public authorities. It does still not drag the pan for another forty years ...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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The Tribune de Genève "we announced July 24: The first pickaxe Park Hentsch, which runs the stadium where extended Charmilles, are planned for 2010 ... hopefully ... and if all goes well, we can also wait for 2010 the first sod to get rid of stage Praille?

"We must destroy the Geneva stadium, "calm, heroic, the concert promoter Michael Drieberg in Le Matin of October 2 ...
... Uh oh, copier, it was prim's!
And Drieberg proposing a popular vote for the reconstruction of a smaller stage for Charmilles, with replacement from the stage of Praille by houses and a park.
Chiche? We launch an initiative?


A paperback book entitled "90 minutes" containing 90 contributions (German, French and Italian) writers narrating their relationship to Baball was distributed free to 20,000 copies at the entry stages which played the meetings hosted by Switzerland in the framework of the Euro2008. Knowing that these meetings have attracted 350,000 people (or 17 times more than the draw of the book), we say that the authors of this interesting initiative are not very optimistic about the taste of football fans for reading. And if the texts published (1300 characters maximum) had been edited as labels on beer bottles, they would have had more success.
Especially one might balance the bottles on the players and the referee if we were not happy with the outcome of the match, or arbitration.

According to a study conducted during the 2006 World Cup in Germany, the number of cardiac emergencies has tripled during the matches, and the days when Germany played, the case of medical intervention for reasons of origin heart rate were increased by at least 2.5 compared to a normal day, even three at the quarter and semi finals, Cardiologists CHUV, Lausanne, had already seen an increase of 60% of sudden deaths during the 2002 World Cup. Stress, anger, alcohol or tobacco multiplies the risk among fans. Hence the title of "20 Minutes" (March 11): "The Eurofoot kill the faint of heart."
For weak brains, we did not even wait for the start of competition.

The blood centers were concerned: they might lack the donated blood during Eurofoot, as in Germany at the 2006 World Cup. The needs were increasing because of the arrival of foreign audiences, but donors were no more likely (they might even be less) and a collaboration with UEFA had failed, because of the UEFA, which had refused to provide tickets for matches donors. Not that UEFA is against the blood donation not is simply that it is against the donation of tickets. In fact, donations, she is in favor, UEFA. But only when it benefits.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

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July 2009

Three weeks ... already, I stopped working!

go ... take a few days of relaxation ... Management Costa Brava and Barcelona nice to relax, take a break ... believe is on vacation ... Finally a way to pass quietly to the great adventure : retirement!

the window of our room by the sea .. dreaming of castles ... Spain!

Monday, March 30, 2009

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end of the trip was 5000 km

and yes, I decided to stop the route for simple reasons, I'm exhausted, and I don * t have the pleasure to ride many miles in a heat of increasingly strong, the goal of the game c * was to make the bike and not getting on buses to a deficient physical level, the AC bus in africa * do * m not interested in for a penny ... weather, Mali is already very hot 40 degrees, according to some tourists saw on the road; and a strong wind larmatan, senegal and I know him well, so let's be humble Let's go .... This ride was really pretty nice, and I thank all who have encouraged * m during these months, and those who opened their doors ..... Mount Greetings to all ....

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has Nouak tchoc here I am, which means herd of camels along the beach, c * is * a city of just over one million * people * and c * is crazy to see as they drive ... a true anarchy. , at the moment I live in a suburb of the city, unwilling to pay a hotel room * comerç Mauritanian pitier took me ... it is very old but * c * is like that ... it's really hot the Sahara was cool if we compare, the sand is scorching heat, you moron, dogs sleeping in cars, the sheep are in the entrances of buildings * cool, otherwise c * is multi-ethnic, there are white Moors and black Senegalese, Fulani from Mali, and what I find admirable is c * as an Islamic republic, there is a church in downtown, this proves the * opening * Mauritanian mind ... and I must say c * is a proud people ....

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400km of road to go to the Mauritanian capital, Nouak Tchoka ... cold night and day, burning, and headwind ... fed up ....

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between the position of Moroccan and Mauritanian border, a no mans land 4 km, and undermine the right as well guauche has a single gravel road, and should really follow. .. c * is the saddest place in my life through jai; beurkkk ...

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400 km on the right as a guauche in the last 400km of the Sahara, the mines are a 10km inland ... fear makes people people hate ...

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Monday, March 23, 2009

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has 4200 km geneva Mauritania is further ...

After testing a questionable kefta (ground beef) has Layoune, and check the resistance of my intestines this tainted meat, my body decided to make me break forced jai then took a bus, unable to land in a more beautiful place to post 25, meeting places of all the crazy windsurfing and kite surfing, bof me jaime not cold water but have friends who take care of you it feels good ... thank you to Gérémy Séverinne and, thanks to you I'll be able to go to the desert ... besides a few anecdotes, a sin by going guy saw two mines on a dune, they called for the army to blow up ... Cool. I was well warned not to be touring off the roads until the mauritannie for they know not too much or mines can be ... great. of guy asked me if I had a problem in my life to get a bike until I told them that everything was fine they not believe me ... jai seen a camel in a small Toyota to pass me, it was hilarious to see the excess ... veiled and otherwise I leave Thursday after a good rest last week to eat and sleep well .... next news from Mauritania in Santee and in good mood ... good start to spring ...

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Monday, March 16, 2009

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a piece of cloth on their heads, stronger than the sunscreen ...

so here I am in Layoune ... capital of Western Sahara, in fact it is a huge military barracks, formerly English neglect under Franco time, traveled to Morocco, I like this city is asser own quiet, a town in the middle of nowhere, and especially able to jai a laundry; after two weeks is not a luxury for the pédallage in the desert is the world upside down, the morning we leave for tee_shirt, one mouth, we sing, we both got strength ; story to tell the desert that est bien vivant, et plus la journnée passe plus on se couvre, petite polaire, lunette de ski,et tissus sur la tete pour éviter de finir séché comme un crapeau écrasé. Ha oui j'oubliais et a 11h, on se la ferme et on n'entend plus que le vent et les roues du vélo....pic nic dans le désert, (GENIALE) c'est pester contre le vent qui rempli votre pain et votre kiri de sable, maintenant je saurai je préparerai tout a l'avance, ne plus jamais tartiner, tout doit etre anticipé, couvrir l'eau, pour qu'elle soit buvable, et encore pleins d'autres petits détails, jai eu la chance; (ho quel chance) dira ma soeur, de croiser un troupeau gigantesque de chameau (sauvage). jai eu un peu peur qu'il do like dogs, thankfully no ... and voila I admit it must not do the soundtracks, it's super hard physically roll in, and I admire anyone who has one bike before me, I also thank the two strangers who gave me lawyers and citrus, and this other person who gave me a bottle of fresh water ... like what we always helped at the right momment ... next appointment 600km below the side of Dakla ... and indeed shaped promised .... good week to all those who follow me ....

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jai saw the same landscape, but covered with white salt 100km further damage more batteries to show you this other picture ... (haaa Moroccan cells grrr)

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300km from my everyday, except on that day the wind was west, and back, ie north, 40km / h from of guauche is great navrant.mais it like that have to be patient and always drive.

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100 km before entering the Sahara along the road by high cliffs, and there are sinners who live in small huts, a umber of money here, just 8 kg of be caught earlier ... a dolphin rose to 200m cliffs, and jai heard the early morning, geese back to nord.sacré Morocco ...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

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in jai on March 12 was really hot ...

voila voila, a strength of the smell of the feeling, guess, and it jumps out at you hop nose with a blow, and yet these are only the beginnings, the sand is more even, and the heat too, but for now it's going, but what saddens me not even a tree to rest, and it's nothing jai already seen the desert is worse than that ... but hey I think it's in Layoune after 300 km, we can say, I eat sand, here I am at 100 km from the border with Western Sahara, in any case there was nothing from tourists in camper who fire Tronches frightened when she saw me on my bike, and the other Moroccans on exits who encourage me, it's great ;;;;; one side I go crazy for a suicide and the other for a single cyclist who has fun, she is not beautiful vie.aller good hot wind all, tomorrow I'm officially in the sahara .... Kisses ...

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