Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saunas And Graves Eye Disease


two Iranian investors, Canadian and French by adoption, Majid Pishyar et son fils Amin, à la tête d'un groupe industriel de Dubaï (32Group) et de plusieurs sociétés, dont la "Swiss Financial Consulting Services" à Genève, et qui étaient entrés dans le comité du Servette au début novembre, projettaient carrément de le racheter (pour huit millions), de le transformer en société anonyme, de créer une structure, du marketing, des finances solides, un management professionnel, un centre de formation... et de le faire remonter en "Super League". Majid Pishyar est "l'homme du futur pour Servette", assurait l'actuel président du club, le brave Francisco Vinas, avant de couper les jambes dudit "homme du futur". Ceux qui looking for lice in the hair of Micheline Calmy-Rey because she went to Iran would certainly not have failed to protest against the assumption of a purchase of Servette by Iranians, but boom! "La Tribune" of June 7 announced that "man of the future" was more likely than the future perfect: the president Vinas has announced the club's website that "gentlemen Pishyar wanting to stick to assurances of a general nature ", without signing the fifteen pages of agreement proposed by Vinas," it was not possible to obtain sufficient commitments considered. The Christian West is saved. Especially since Pishyar have already shown in the revival of an Austrian football club, Admira Wacker Mödling, Vienna, Austria, champions eight times, but put into liquidation after being chaired by Majid Pishyar. The club also then simply disappeared. The whole family sat on the committee Pishyar club (the father, his son and nephew), which has not prevented the club from being relegated twice, the second time "on the green carpet" because of Bank Guarantee not paid by the clan Pishyar. Finally, on July 7, and seven votes against five (but in the absence of both Pishyar), the committee refused the association's plan Servette Pishyar, and therefore the award of between Vinas and can Pishyar. Suddenly, the coach approached FC Servette, Gérard Castella, who had entered the side of Pishyar, threw in the towel, and Jacques wants Barle head Vinas.

May 23, that were seized as part of the bankruptcy of Servette FC have been dumped by the Office of bankruptcies, in an auction that could possibly (and again, we're not sure) to bring enough to pay the costs of the auction. From the bottom of the hole, Marc Roger surprise: cuts won by Servette, the flags of his opponents, the jerseys of Pele, Zidane, Henry or Ronaldinho offered at the club have not been sold, and disappeared.
If nothing but that which has disappeared ... In fact, there's that Roger has managed to keep it.


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