Friday, October 9, 2009

Green Green Episode 13 English Dub

The president of the Foundation Stage, Benedict Genecand took a big hit with fatigue, and resigned. From the foundation stage, but the project management "Praille-Acacias-Vernets" (VAP), where he had been appointed by State Councillor Mark Muller. Genecand explanation, the fact remains that the head of the foundation stage but leaves that of the VAP project: the Presidency of the Stadium "has nothing comparable in terms of charges." Except charges on government coffers, but that's not a problem for Muller.

President Servette FC, Francisco Vinas, estimated to cover only the costs of use (rental of the stadium, security, lighting) of the wasteland Praille par le club, il faudrait que les matches attirent 1500 spectateurs payants. Ils n'en attirent souvent pas la moitié, et n'atteignent que très rarement cette fréquentation minimale nécessaire pour que le club ne perde pas de l'argent en utilisant le stade. Quant au stade lui-même, il lui faudrait en gros 14'000 spectateurs par match de l'équipe locale pour être rentable. Or il n'atteint pas le dixième de cette jauge :
Le 28 octobre 2007, Servette reçoit Lugano à la Praille : 2010 spectateurs. Le stade est vide à 93 %
Le 11 novembre, Servette reçoit La Chaux de Fonds à la Praille : 1210 spectateurs. Le stade est vide à 96 %
Le 2 décembre, Servette reçoit Gossau to Praille: 759 spectators. The stadium is empty to 97%
On February 24, 2008, at Concordia receives Servette Praille: 1782 spectators. The stadium is empty to 94%
March 19, Servette Vaduz receives the Praille: 839 spectators. The stadium is empty to 97%.
April 5, Schaffhausen Servette receives the Praille: 1117 spectators. The stadium is empty 96%
April 16, Servette receives the Locarno Praille: 1063 spectators. The stadium is empty 96%
April 21, a gala match with many stars of soccer (Karembeu, Lizarazu, Zidane, Cantona ...) drew 19,088 spectators to Praille. Even then, the stadium is the third empty.
April 28, Servette Lausanne receives the Praille: 2011 spectators. The stadium is empty to 93%.
June 7, Portugal and Turkey occurs within Eurofoot: 29'106 spectators. The last stage is almost full (97%). It remains for the other two matches played at Euro Geneva.
July 26, Servette Lugano receives the Praille: 1531 spec exporters. The stadium is empty to 95%.


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