Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kate's Playground And Raven Riley

Fund drawer drawer

Servette FC wants to bear the operation of the Geneva stadium: its president, Majid Pishar, has proposed to the Foundation Stage and the State Council, and is willing to out the 20 million needed. It's a good idea early. To which still lacks what the crown and could satisfy everyone: the club buys outright the stadium, public and rid communities of this burden. You want your stadium? Well take it. And keep it. Us, we agree. We even agreed to sell it for a symbolic franc. And final settlement. The project for the exploitation of Servette stage Praille is attractive: there is even a creche, a museum, a disco ... Well, as it can fill this thing, why not? One therefore expects the proposal to install an EMS and a prison in the stadium. As long as faire.Pour make "his" stage Praille, deserted by the public, more alive, Servette FC consider, according to the Tribune de Genève "and fill its stands virtually empty of spectators false. it must be the effect "avatar" when the reality is depressing garnish làd'illusions ... Good for finances, it changes nothing because the viewer does not pay its virtual place, but we will and images of a stadium, instead of those trivially realistic, a wasteland very, very vague and very, very empty. We progress, so. There is more qu'àrendre the virtual stadium itself, and it will still eventually get rid of it.

After the Dome International football dough, FIFA, is the Dome mainland, UEFA, who is accused by one of its members to be the playground of corruption: the representative Cypriot federation said that the award of Euro 2012 àl'Ukraine and Poland had been vote buying and corruption of five UEFA officials, all for the modest sum of Eleven million euros. Obviously, UEFA (as before FIFA) protested and asked for evidence. Obviously we are stupid grins. And of course, all this will end in water coil, since the international sports federations based in Switzerland, like FIFA, UEFA or the International Olympic Committee, are not subject to Swiss law which punishes (softly) la corruption. Ce que même le Conseiller fédéral UDC Ueli Maurer considère comme « une lacune » (et il s'y connaît, en lacunes, Ueli der Soldat). Une lacune ? Tu parles : c'est tout à fait délibérément que le Conseil fédéral a accordé en 2004 aux coupoles sportives le droit d'échapper à la loi, de laver leur linge sale en famille ou de le planquer à l'abri des regards et des reniflements.

Le meilleur joueur du dernier Mondial de foot est mort. Dans un aquarium. C'était un poulpe : Paul-le-Poulpe, de son petit nom. Il avait non seulement prédit le résultat des huit matches on which he was asked his opinion, but it was also the only actor who does the party àneuneu ever insulted, tackled, or retained by another jersey. The single also does not have doped, or left to buy, nor left turn into billboard. A true sports enthusiast, whatever.

We serine with "great family sport," and they began seriously to have the ears of that "great family sport," when we fell in front of a whole page of "Morning Sunday" on Sunday Last, we with some of the financial characteristics of the dome of dough football, FIFA, whose annual profits are hovering around $ 200 million, and the billion turnover. FIFA is, as we know, chaired by the Valais Joseph Blatter, who has that title more or less directly controls several companies, "all of which are active at 100% commercial (TV rights, travel, etc. derivatives." Precise "Le Matin Dimanche", which drives the point home: FIFA and companies controlled by FIFA, the nephew of Joseph Blatter, who has earned his little empire sportivo-commercial staff, has won several contracts particularly lucrative, especially through the control of exclusive TV rights for Asia (including China) and the 2010 World Cup 2016, the sale (still exclusive) of air tickets and hotel reservations ... A small family business in the "great family sport," what. That is absolutely untouched by corruption. And still less by nepotism. Promised juror.


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