Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thank You Message To Clients From Hair Stylist

My new idols

Tuktuk and motorbike. Two words that resonate or buzz in the ears of tourists visiting Southeast Asia. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, as soon as you walk on the sidewalk, you are assailed on all sides by loud tuktuk, motorbike. Inescapable.

Although you analyze the sidewalk and trying to find a path free, you'll catch up with up to 12 seconds. It's as if you were in the middle of their hive. The path is clear on the right, quickly, we hurry ... bam, you're assaulted on the left. It's just they do not descend from heaven to Spiderman's asking you to board their vehicle.

few weeks ago, I told you about the hyper solicitation in the streets of Hanoi. In fact, it was before I set foot in Phnom Penh. In the Cambodian capital, we must double the bet. You get arrested 125 times in one day in Hanoi, Phnom Penh, count a good 250 times.

But if we can make a comparison at the pervasiveness of stress, we can establish one of the attitude of said drivers. Stop

very beginning, it's useless, it's over! The gold medal goes to Cambodian drivers. These are then Ceuze the best. Their attitude, good humor, infectious smile (this people is just amazing and words Cambodians and smile, good humor and sense of humor will be back often in my upcoming posts on this country) make drivers tuktuk The most adorable of all.

Personally, I'm not very tuktuk, much preferring the bike. One is cheaper. Two, it keeps me in shape. Three, it is less polluting. Easy to lose patience and not always easy to keep smiling when you have five people who you cry tuktuk same time.

A good trick is to keep the smile of humor when you respond to the driver. And that's where the Cambodians torchent competition soundly.

I tried the joke as far as Vietnam and Laos, without much success ... in fact, without any success.

- Tuktuk, my friend?
- No thank you Sir. I do not tuktuk. I walk I walk and bike bike. If I tuktuk, I like big fat fat Become Americans.

In Vietnam and Laos, the joke certainly was worth my face feel like a shit from the driver. It is where your sense of humor, guys?

Because when I do the same joke here, the laughs are instantaneous. Some drivers have even chained their laughter by taking Debaine with both hands and saying: "yes, like me!" Wow, definitely not on the same planet.

diz Nine times out, the little joke that broke the ice, it produces a very strange phenomenon ... Apparently they call it the human touch ... The tuktuk driver starts talking to me.

Although I came to tell him that I do not want to give my money in return for his services, the driver began the dicussion. And as we are in the World Cup, soccer often it chatters. Other drivers will join the dicussion and anything can easily take five minutes.

Wow, loved people who talk just for the sake of talking, interacting, learn a little about each other. The money aspect is removed and sold. We no longer speak of a driver who speaks with a tourist. We're talking about two people who exchange all.

And it all ends most often than not by a sincere handshake and yet another warm smile.

In Vietnam and Laos, especially in Vietnam, where I felt more like a portfolio than a human being for a month, 90% of discussions with the drivers come down to this ...

- Motobike, my friend?
- Response on fat and Americans ...
... Front of the driver feel like shit ...
- Motobike, my friend?
- No thank you.
- Motobike, my friend?
- No thank you.
- Motobike, my friend?
- No, I'm good thanks
- Motobike, my friend?
- No. I prefer to walk
- Motobike, my friend?
- No I Think I Can Handle Three blocks walking
- Motobike, my friend?
- ...
- Motobike, my friend?
- Motobike, my friend?

Seriously, dude, what are the odds that I'll say yes and I'm changing my tune after I told you no nine times in 20 seconds? My hand to fire than your current marketing and customer service in college, thou hast cast solid ...

Definitely not on the same planet. And definitely a lot of crust to eat before arriving at the ankle of your Cambodian colleagues, my new idols.


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