Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Icecream Inebrya Chart

World Cup: "Nothing in football? if at least ...

the days when football was a sport like any other, he was indifferent to us. Those were good times. Become a market first, then a pathology, football we became unbearable. What we once boring, now we débecte. Not as a game, nothing more or less silly than any What other group game whose purpose is merely to "defeat the enemy, but as a delirious machine. This is not the game that has become abhorrent is that it raises. The worst thing in football today and in the World Cup right now, it's not football itself: it is the fans. In some countries they are, the Swiss do not worth more than others. Themselves, their gestures, their words, which takes the place of thought in the days when the football overwhelms sufficient to deter us, if by chance we had the temptation or weakness, to love what they Celebrate, celebrate what they like, share the passion adult that drives like a puppeteer animates his puppets. This flock, it becomes us to be the black sheep. But it is a very thin, and much pride, satisfaction.

Ad nauseam

We would like to say that the World Cup, the fate of the Swiss team, the result matches or Switzerland Switzerland-Chile-Honduras, we did "nothing to football." But we can already be satisfied with that shrug of the shoulders, or even because we are in Switzerland and that Swiss fans are that we face, the hope that the Chilean players and Honduran rid us of the cult of the shouting " Nati ", calls for 'unity national "(for what reason that would be worth to be" unitary "with the UDC or the MCG?) and the summons to excite us for what we indifferent, and we begin to abhor. There are days where you just rebuild his Spinoza's injunction: "neither laugh nor cry, but understanding." It is necessary, however: so grotesque it is, tribalism soccer players does not make us laugh. If that is appalling regression that is manifested in crying would be an admission of weakness. Remains the need to understand how and why such a massive shit that people can take us believe otherwise, and we believe acts and pronouncements do not overwhelm as cretinism gregarious past week is, ad nauseam, the upper hand in Geneva as in much of the world, since the pollution is "glocal", both global and local. Certainly, everything is, first, ridiculous in the "Football fever" that gripped a large minority of the human population of this planet since the beginning of World: ridiculous, the game itself, the postures of Players, reviews, fans, genuflections policies, reactions to the results of matches, the controversies around the defeats, congratulations around victories, and we pass. But the ridiculous to the obscene, the pace is faster because you think: should not be much to the crowds screaming, honking, vuvuzelas, celebrating as if it was theirs or that of their country, "victory" if it is hazardous, eleven players on eleven others, become much worse than they are, and that harmless the bullshit we go to a collective deadliest bullshit. This, indeed, has happened: there are few supporters at the protest or ratonnade pogrom. Intellectually, if we dare say, it works the same way and to move from one to l'autre, le cerveau reptilien, seul aux commandes en pareilles occasions, n'a besoin que d'une petite étincelle, d'un petit prétexte -ou de quelques litres de bière en plus.


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