Friday, July 23, 2010

Vodka Holesale New York


"The j'men care less is the only banner under which (the France football team) is able to gather," wrote all disappointed, the sports daily "L'Equipe", about his performance at the football World Cup. We finally found a team that handles the big boeuferie South Africa as it deserves ...

Between the broadcasting rights, advertising contracts, ticket sales and partnerships with companies like Coca-Cola or McDonald's FIFA hopes garner nearly three billion euros in total revenue through the football World Cup., The organization controlled by the Swiss Joseph Blatter - whose annual salary is estimated at nearly $ 4 million - also displays a healthy amount of brighter: its profit se montait en 2009 à 147 millions d’euros, ses fonds propres atteignant 795 millions d’euros.

Pour célébrer comme il se doit désormais, obligatoirement, la victoire (hasardeuse) de l'équipe suisse de foot contre l'équipe espagnole de foot, la «Tribune de Genève» du 17 juin fait (elle n'est pas la seule) dans le dithyrambe : « La victoire historique d'une Suisse héroïque ». Pas moins. Morgarten, Näfels, Sempach ? de la gnognotte. Un ballon est entré dans un filet, et le monde a changé de base. Bon, cela dit, quand la « Julie » entre en transe, au moins le fait-elle en silence. Et on peut même faire de ses pages de petits bouchons ears to muffle the noise a bit of horns, and bellowing of vuvuzelas cattle that has been before-than appropriate, a small rain is terminated ... damn, still three weeks of this boeuferie ...

Poll planetary with 100,000 football fans, about the World Cup in South Africa, a quarter of Swiss fans think that the Swiss team will be "the surprise of the tournament, and she will qualify for the knockout stages, 15% seeing it even in the semi-finals. Against North Korea, no doubt. A third of Swiss fans announce that the World will have priority over their work or studies, it will be fifth priority over their love lives, third on their family life, 80% said they will spend between one and five o'clock in the World (and 3% they will spend more than ten hours) ... In short, for a coup or revolution, it will be the perfect time, especially since the cops will be mobilized to guard the flocks of supporters in machines organized in every city to assemble them. Le Grand Soir, it may well be a night game, after all ... Vive le football!

was told (and will be told) of evil in the pages of the World Cup in South Africa. It was suggested that perhaps, deep, deep down, that thing was a gigantic pump money. We beat our breasts. Not that the World is nothing but a huge money pump. But this pump, it will take some money home. Dozens of Swiss companies participated in the construction of infrastructure megalomaniac World Cup: Geberit has equipped six of the ten stages in pipes and sanitary facilities, and Franke ten stadiums luxury loos (pump money is also a pump shit) Garaventa has built a chairlift in Durban Hublot has obtained exclusive timing of matches. So the Swiss team is done throw in the preliminaries of the World Cup or she rises in the second round, who cares because in the toilet, Switzerland sera championne.

La faîtière européenne du foot-pognon, l'UEFA, a refusé au club français Evian-Thonon-Gaillard le droit de jouer au stade de Genève, et a motivé ce refus en invoquant le principe «fondamental» de l'« organisation du football sur une base nationale territoriale ». Traduction en MCG basique : Evian, Thonon, Gaillard, c'est en France, le stade de Genève, il est en Suisse, et faut pas mélanger, parce que sinon, on sait plus où on va et tout le monde va vouloir jouer ailleurs que chez soi. Le FC Gaza à Tel Aviv, par exemple. Du coup, la Fondation du stade de Genève, qui espérait engranger quelques pépettes grâce à la venue du French club and thus cover a part (but only part) of a half million and annual maintenance costs of the hole las Praille, must make a cross (Swiss or Savoyard) above. In contrast, FC Servette, who feared competition border is very happy. Mostly it seems to want to buy the stadium. As for Manuel Tornare, our Minister of Sports City, he simply phoned the president of the global umbrella of sport-dough, FIFA, asking him to put pressure on its European counterpart UEFA to reconsider that decision. Manu Sepp Blatter calling to ask him to call Michel Platini pour qu'un club français de deuxième division puisse jouer dans le stade d'un club suisse de deuxième division, si c'est pas de la diplomatie de haut vol, ça...

Dimanche dernier, juste après le match Allemagne-Australie, à Durban, 400 « stadiers » sud-africains ont manifesté pour réclamer le paiement du salaire qui leur avait été promis par contrat (environ 60 francs suisses) et non pas seulement l'aumône (moins de la moitié) reçue. La police est intervenue avec gaz-lacrymogènes et tirs de balles en caoutchouc (qui ont blessé une femme). Le comité d'organisation du Mondial s'est empressé de préciser que « les spectateurs n'ont jamais was in danger "(we are very happy for them), unlike the protesters, who have got what they deserved for trying to disrupt the festival dork, and FIFA has, of course, declared" totally foreign "the conflict. C'mon.


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