Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pet Rabbit And German Shepard

Statues, scorpion and zapatos

Jeudi soir, 21:45, à l'intersection de Jalan Sultan Ismail et Jalan Bukit Bintang, l'une des intersections les plus busy downtown Kuala Lumpur, with its mono-rail station, shopping centers and huge billboards.

The place is a favorite spot for street performers who gather night after night trying to impress the many tourists and locals passing by.

Tonight entertainers have opposed styles. In the red corner, six Peruvian brothers on guitars and pan flutes playing down the stairs of the Metro Jean-Talon (do not look any further in Montreal, they traveled to Asia). In the blue corner, a trans-emo that has a scorpion in his hand. And in a corner of another color, overflowing originality, three guys doing the statue on a ti-stool.

What image comes to mind when you think of the statue on a ti-stool? The guy on the Terrasse Dufferin or Ste-Catherine corner of McGill College who is wearing a suit with shiny gold and black sunglasses and do not move for an hour, right? Well, well, it's the same damn thing. Except that instead of having just one, there are three (one gold, one red, one green) ... three on the same street corner.

In the category is unclear why we moved to three on the same street corner ... we say it's a good idea to be three on the same corner because it did because it's more punchy, but on the other side is not great winner to do the same thing on the same street corner because it will make three times less money than if we were not on the same street corner, flies like the other street corner there where there are so many people and where there are not three guys doing the same thing, "directly conveying their palm they deserve it outright.

The crowd around the Peruvians is emo the scorpion is quite heterogeneous, many whites, blacks, Indians, Malays, etc.. But there is a strange phenomenon around the gents that flash. Virtually no whites, blacks, Indians and Malays. At 95%, the crowd is composed of Chinese who are all photos taken with the friend still with two fingers on the sign of peace both in the air.

Editor's note: for information purposes only, I would like here to take this opportunity to stress to my Chinese friends that since the invention of the sign of peace, probably somewhere in the mid-'60s, other signs of fingers giving such good results on film was invented. Chinese friends, go, jump into the bottomless abyss of extreme adventure, spice up your life with 50 pounds of lemon zest to the world's most tart, push yourself with a machete in the wilds of the Amazon jungle and paths less beaten earth to plot your own path, dare the follies of the most subversive. Go to a finger, three fingers, with no finger with both arms. But I implore you to halt the operation "sheep not of originality, it makes all the same damn thing on our photos for 10 years." Innovate, bondance!

So while the Chinese play the game the lack of originality with men still lack of any blatant originality, Peruvians, they are on fire. I do not know how the city of Kuala Lumpur has paid the Metro Jean-Talon to get their hands on the coveted free agency, but it probably took the package to get their hands on the group Carlos, Design, Gerardo Mateo, Hector hermanos y zapatos Carnales . What a sight intoxicating. Of rhythms, flutes, pan who are going through at the speed of lightning, original songs but also famous occasions such as La Bamba! Personally, I would have liked to hear the version Carnales Hermanos y zapatos Riders on the storm, but hey, is not too much to ask.

And as if the show was already good enough like that, hermanos have relied on the support size of a guest surprise pour quelques chansons... ok, n'allez quand même pas vous imaginer que Bono est venu gratter le ukulélé, mais une surprise quand même. Arrivé de nulle part, un Indien aveugle est venu s'immiscer entre Carlos et Hector et s'est mis à danser comme un diable dans l'eau bénite. Un mélange de gigue, de danse punjabi, de mouvements à la Michael Jackson et de gars qui prépare de la pâte à pizza. Indescriptible, vraiment! Personnes portant un pacemaker s'abstenir, cette démonstration artistique inusitée ayant plutôt l'effet d'un stroboscope.

Un stroboscope et un boomerang. Puisqu'après environ 15 minutes, notre ami punjabi est reparti dans la même direction qu'il était arrivé, un peu à la Rain Man la tête dans les airs, disparaissant sans dire bonjour aux frères Z. Un boomerang qui avait attiré plusieurs touristes généreux du porte-monnaie, au grand plaisir des frères Z, riches sans avoir à partager avec leur collègue dansant.

Derrière les musiciens et les statues se tenait l'emo au scorpion. Par définition stylistique, le mec a l'air d'un personnage sorti des ténèbres. Habillé en noir, des bottes Marylin Manson aux multiples studs, d'énormes bagues en métal de devil, des tatoos sur les bras, visage blanc lait avec... tanam... un maquillage en forme de scorpion en guise de masque pour les yeux (concept le gars). Le tout agrémenté avec la joie de vivre caractéristique des emo.

Son scorpion à la main, le type avait de loin le potentiel le plus grand de la soirée. En terme d'originalité, les flûtes de pan des Zapatos et les costumes brillants des statues ne peuvent en rien rivaliser avec un scorpion. Des amuseurs publics avec des scorpions, vous avez vu ça souvent?

Malheureusement pour notre emo, son infinie joie de vivre et son énergie débordante ont quelque peu tué dans l'oeuf l'énorme potentiel du duo. Aucun dynanisme, l'emo restait immobile la main tendue avec le scorpion dans la paume. En fait, la seule chose qui bougeait, c'était le scorpion. Et comme le scorpion ne se déplace not really the speed of a jaguar, the action was limited and predictable movement of the animal. The emo

could go to meet people and try to touch them or take the scorpion to put the scorpion in the mouth or in your hair ... create action. No, nothing. The vacant stare and motionless on the street corner with his scorpion in his hand. A large mountain that gives birth to a mouse ... bourn's!

For a moment I thought of turning the party strong: go take the scorpion from the hands of the emo and go put it in the hat of one of the three statues. Suddenly, I brought out of his coma emo, I damn scared the statue would have probably made jig like Rain Man and I helped a horde of Chinese return home with nothing but pictures of peace signs.


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